将数据保存在钥匙串中,只有 Swift 中的 Touch ID 才能访问 3

Save data in Keychain only accessible with Touch ID in Swift 3


我观看了 Keychain and Authentication with Touch ID 演示并了解以下内容:

If you set the right parameter while adding a new value in to Keychain, next time you'll try to get it out, the system will automatically show the Touch ID popup.


    //  Secret value to store
    let valueData = "The Top Secret Message V1".data(using: .utf8)!;

    //  Create the Access Controll object telling how the new value
    //  should be stored. Force Touch ID by the system on Read.
    let sacObject =

    //  Create the Key Value array, that holds the query to store 
    //  our data
    let insert_query: NSDictionary = [
        kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
        kSecAttrAccessControl: sacObject!,
        kSecValueData: valueData,
        kSecUseAuthenticationUI: kSecUseAuthenticationUIAllow,
        //  This two valuse ideifieis the entry, together they become the
        //  primary key in the Database
        kSecAttrService: "app_name",
        kSecAttrAccount: "first_name"

    //  Execute the query to add our data to Keychain
    let resultCode = SecItemAdd(insert_query as CFDictionary, nil);

起初我以为模拟器有问题但没有,我可以使用以下代码检查 Touch ID 是否存在:

    //  Check if the device the code is running on is capapble of 
    //  finger printing.
    let dose_it_can = LAContext()
            .deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: nil);

        print("Yes it can");
        print("No it can't");

而且我还能够使用以下代码以编程方式显示 Touch ID 弹出窗口:

    //  Show the Touch ID dialog to check if we can get a print from 
    //  the user
        localizedReason: "Such important reason ;)",
        reply: {
            (status: Bool, evaluationError: Error?) -> Void in

                print("Not OK");



Touch ID 有效,但将值保存到钥匙串中并带有标志以由系统本身强制执行 Touch ID 无效 - 我错过了什么?


Apple 提供的名为 KeychainTouchID: Using Touch ID with Keychain and LocalAuthentication 的示例也显示了不一致的结果,系统未强制执行 Touch ID。


Touch ID 弹出窗口仅在您调用 SecItemCopyMatching() 时出现 在后台队列中。 这在 PDF 演示文稿的第 118 页上指出 Keychain and Authentication with Touch ID:

Reading a Secret

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(...), ^(void){
    CFTypeRef dataTypeRef = NULL;
    OSStatus status = SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef)query,

否则你会阻塞主线程,弹出窗口不会 出现。 SecItemCopyMatching() 然后失败(超时后) 错误代码 -25293 = errSecAuthFailed.

失败在您的示例项目中不会立即显现出来,因为 它在错误情况下打印错误的变量,例如

if(status != noErr)
    print("SELECT Error: \(resultCode)."); // <-- Should be `status`


这是包含必要的示例代码的组合版本 分派到后台队列以检索钥匙串项。 (当然 UI 更新必须分派回主队列。)

它在我的 iPhone 带有 Touch ID 的测试中按预期工作: 出现 Touch ID 弹出窗口,钥匙串项目仅在 认证成功。

Touch ID 身份验证不能在iOS模拟器上工作。

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

    //  This two values identify the entry, together they become the
    //  primary key in the database
    let myAttrService = "app_name"
    let myAttrAccount = "first_name"

    // DELETE keychain item (if present from previous run)

    let delete_query: NSDictionary = [
        kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
        kSecAttrService: myAttrService,
        kSecAttrAccount: myAttrAccount,
        kSecReturnData: false
    let delete_status = SecItemDelete(delete_query)
    if delete_status == errSecSuccess {
        print("Deleted successfully.")
    } else if delete_status == errSecItemNotFound {
        print("Nothing to delete.")
    } else {
        print("DELETE Error: \(delete_status).")

    // INSERT keychain item

    let valueData = "The Top Secret Message V1".data(using: .utf8)!
    let sacObject =

    let insert_query: NSDictionary = [
        kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
        kSecAttrAccessControl: sacObject,
        kSecValueData: valueData,
        kSecUseAuthenticationUI: kSecUseAuthenticationUIAllow,
        kSecAttrService: myAttrService,
        kSecAttrAccount: myAttrAccount
    let insert_status = SecItemAdd(insert_query as CFDictionary, nil)
    if insert_status == errSecSuccess {
        print("Inserted successfully.")
    } else {
        print("INSERT Error: \(insert_status).")

    DispatchQueue.global().async {
        // RETRIEVE keychain item

        let select_query: NSDictionary = [
            kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
            kSecAttrService: myAttrService,
            kSecAttrAccount: myAttrAccount,
            kSecReturnData: true,
            kSecUseOperationPrompt: "Authenticate to access secret message"
        var extractedData: CFTypeRef?
        let select_status = SecItemCopyMatching(select_query, &extractedData)
        if select_status == errSecSuccess {
            if let retrievedData = extractedData as? Data,
                let secretMessage = String(data: retrievedData, encoding: .utf8) {

                print("Secret message: \(secretMessage)")

                // UI updates must be dispatched back to the main thread.

                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.messageLabel.text = secretMessage

            } else {
                print("Invalid data")
        } else if select_status == errSecUserCanceled {
            print("User canceled the operation.")
        } else {
            print("SELECT Error: \(select_status).")