Google Closure 编译器不压缩字符串值?

Google Closure compiler not compressing string values?


(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
    'use strict';
    $.fn.demo = function (options) {

        var active = "active";
        var section = ".bb-demo";


})(jQuery, window, document);

Closure Simple mode 结果为 200 字节:


虽然 YUI compressor 导致 169 字节

(function(c,b,a,d){c.fn.demo=function(e){var g="active";var f=".bb-demo";c(f).addClass(g);c(f).addClass(g);c(f).addClass(g);c(f).addClass(g)}})(jQuery,window,document);

在 Closure 中是否也有压缩这些字符串变量的方法? 为什么不这样做? 是因为在性能方面取得了更好的成绩吗?

这包含在 Closure 编译器常见问题解答中。

Closure Compiler assumes that you are using gzip compression. If you do not, you should. Configuring your server to gzip your code is one of the most effective and easiest optimizations that you can possibly do. The gzip algorithm works by trying to alias sequences of bytes in an optimal way. Aliasing strings manually almost always makes the compressed code size bigger, because it subverts gzip's own algorithm for aliasing. So Closure Compiler will (almost) always inline your strings when it can, because that will make your compressed code smaller.