Excel VBA - 检查工作表是否受密码保护
Excel VBA - Check if a worksheet is protected WITH A PASSWORD
我们可以使用 ProtectContents 属性 检查 sheet 是否受到保护。但是如何检查它是否受密码保护?
if ws.ProtectContents then
''do something
end if
我认为没有通过 属性 直接执行此操作的方法。不过,或者,您可以尝试使用空白密码取消对工作表的保护,并在失败时捕获错误:
Function isSheetProtectedWithPassword(ws As Worksheet) As Boolean
If ws.ProtectContents Then
On Error GoTo errorLabel
ws.Unprotect ""
End If
If Err.Number = 1004 Then isSheetProtectedWithPassword = True
End Function
它会 return True
或 False
要检查密码保护,需要尝试取消对 sheet 的保护,然后再对其进行保护(如果它没有密码保护),但此时它 失去了所有用户所做的保护设置。像 Allow PivotTables、Allow Formatting Cells 等等。
所以必须先读取 sheet 的设置,然后在保护它时再次应用设置。
保护不仅意味着 protectcontents,还意味着 protectobject 和 protectscenarios。
而如果是 Chart Sheet,也需要不同的程序来检查。
我花了几个小时来创建一个宏,它可以为所有 Sheet 执行所有这些操作(甚至对于 Chart Sheets)。
Sub Run_CheckSheetPasswordProtection()
'execudes the Function CheckSheetPasswordProtection
'to detect if a sheet (Worksheet or Chart Sheet) is protected, password protected or not protected
'protection setting of that sheet will remain the same after checking (other, simpler, macros will not take car for this)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Variant 'variant is needed to handle Worksheets AND Chart Sheets
Dim sh As Variant
Set wb = ThisWorkbook 'or use: Workbooks("Name of my Workbook")
'***check one sheet*****
' 'adjust your worksheet you want to test here
' Set ws = wb.Worksheets("sheet1")
' MsgBox ws.Name & ": " & CheckSheetPasswordProtection(ws)
'****check all sheets of a workbook**********
For Each sh In wb.Sheets
'write ansers to the Immediate Window
Debug.Print sh.Name & ": " & CheckSheetPasswordProtection(sh)
Next sh
End Sub
Function CheckSheetPasswordProtection(YourSheet As Variant) As String
'check if worksheets are protected with a password
'doesn't destroy the previous protection settings of that sheet
Dim ws As Variant
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ProtectionResult As String
'Settings of the sheet
Dim sDrawingObjects As Boolean
Dim sContents As Boolean
Dim sScenarios As Boolean
Dim sUserInterfaceOnly As Boolean
Dim sAllowFormattingCells As Boolean
Dim sAllowFormattingColumns As Boolean
Dim sAllowFormattingRows As Boolean
Dim sAllowInsertingColumns As Boolean
Dim sAllowInsertingRows As Boolean
Dim sAllowInseringHyperlinks As Boolean
Dim sAllowDeletingColumns As Boolean
Dim sAllowDeletingRows As Boolean
Dim sAllowSorting As Boolean
Dim sAllowFiltering As Boolean
Dim sAllowUsingPivotTables As Boolean
Dim sEnableSelection As Integer ' 0 Anything can be selected, -4142 Nothing can be selected, 1 Only unlocked cells can be selected.
Dim sEnableOutlining As Boolean
Set ws = YourSheet
'***********if it is a worksheet**************
If TypeName(ws) = "Worksheet" Then
'check protection settings of the sheet
sDrawingObjects = ws.ProtectDrawingObjects
sContents = ws.ProtectContents
sScenarios = ws.ProtectScenarios
sUserInterfaceOnly = ws.ProtectionMode
sAllowFormattingCells = ws.Protection.AllowFormattingCells
sAllowFormattingColumns = ws.Protection.AllowFormattingColumns
sAllowFormattingRows = ws.Protection.AllowFormattingRows
sAllowInsertingColumns = ws.Protection.AllowInsertingColumns
sAllowInsertingRows = ws.Protection.AllowInsertingRows
sAllowInseringHyperlinks = ws.Protection.AllowInsertingHyperlinks
sAllowDeletingColumns = ws.Protection.AllowDeletingColumns
sAllowDeletingRows = ws.Protection.AllowDeletingRows
sAllowSorting = ws.Protection.AllowSorting
sAllowFiltering = ws.Protection.AllowFiltering
sAllowUsingPivotTables = ws.Protection.AllowUsingPivotTables
sEnableSelection = ws.EnableSelection
sEnableOutlining = ws.EnableOutlining
If ws.ProtectContents Or ws.ProtectDrawingObjects Or ws.ProtectScenarios Then
ProtectionResult = "Protected"
On Error Resume Next
ws.Unprotect Password:=""
If Err.Number > 0 Then
ProtectionResult = "PASSWORD protected"
Else 'if sheet was not protected with password, protect it again with its previous setting
ws.Protect _
Password:="", _
DrawingObjects:=sDrawingObjects, _
Contents:=sContents, _
Scenarios:=sScenarios, _
AllowFormattingCells:=sAllowFormattingCells, _
AllowFormattingColumns:=sAllowFormattingColumns, _
AllowFormattingRows:=sAllowFormattingRows, _
AllowInsertingColumns:=sAllowInsertingColumns, _
AllowInsertingRows:=sAllowInsertingRows, _
AllowInsertingHyperlinks:=sAllowInseringHyperlinks, _
AllowDeletingColumns:=sAllowDeletingColumns, _
AllowDeletingRows:=sAllowDeletingRows, _
AllowSorting:=sAllowSorting, _
AllowFiltering:=sAllowFiltering, _
AllowUsingPivotTables:=sAllowUsingPivotTables, _
ws.EnableSelection = sEnableSelection
ws.EnableOutlining = sEnableOutlining
End If 'checking for password (error)
On Error GoTo 0
Else 'if worksheet is not protected
ProtectionResult = "No Protection"
End If 'if protected
Else '*************if it is a chart*************** If TypeName(ws) = "Chart"
'check protection settings of the sheet
sDrawingObjects = ws.ProtectDrawingObjects
sContents = ws.ProtectContents
'if chart is protected
If ws.ProtectContents Or ws.ProtectDrawingObjects Then
ProtectionResult = "Protected"
On Error Resume Next
ws.Unprotect Password:=""
If Err.Number > 0 Then
ProtectionResult = "PASSWORD protected"
Else 'if sheet was not protected with password, protect it again with its previous setting
ws.Protect _
Password:="", _
DrawingObjects:=sDrawingObjects, _
End If 'checking for password (error)
On Error GoTo 0
Else 'if worksheet is not protected
ProtectionResult = "No Protection"
End If 'if protected
End If 'Worksheet or Chart
CheckSheetPasswordProtection = ProtectionResult
End Function
我们可以使用 ProtectContents 属性 检查 sheet 是否受到保护。但是如何检查它是否受密码保护?
if ws.ProtectContents then
''do something
end if
我认为没有通过 属性 直接执行此操作的方法。不过,或者,您可以尝试使用空白密码取消对工作表的保护,并在失败时捕获错误:
Function isSheetProtectedWithPassword(ws As Worksheet) As Boolean
If ws.ProtectContents Then
On Error GoTo errorLabel
ws.Unprotect ""
End If
If Err.Number = 1004 Then isSheetProtectedWithPassword = True
End Function
它会 return True
或 False
要检查密码保护,需要尝试取消对 sheet 的保护,然后再对其进行保护(如果它没有密码保护),但此时它 失去了所有用户所做的保护设置。像 Allow PivotTables、Allow Formatting Cells 等等。 所以必须先读取 sheet 的设置,然后在保护它时再次应用设置。 保护不仅意味着 protectcontents,还意味着 protectobject 和 protectscenarios。 而如果是 Chart Sheet,也需要不同的程序来检查。 我花了几个小时来创建一个宏,它可以为所有 Sheet 执行所有这些操作(甚至对于 Chart Sheets)。
Sub Run_CheckSheetPasswordProtection()
'execudes the Function CheckSheetPasswordProtection
'to detect if a sheet (Worksheet or Chart Sheet) is protected, password protected or not protected
'protection setting of that sheet will remain the same after checking (other, simpler, macros will not take car for this)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Variant 'variant is needed to handle Worksheets AND Chart Sheets
Dim sh As Variant
Set wb = ThisWorkbook 'or use: Workbooks("Name of my Workbook")
'***check one sheet*****
' 'adjust your worksheet you want to test here
' Set ws = wb.Worksheets("sheet1")
' MsgBox ws.Name & ": " & CheckSheetPasswordProtection(ws)
'****check all sheets of a workbook**********
For Each sh In wb.Sheets
'write ansers to the Immediate Window
Debug.Print sh.Name & ": " & CheckSheetPasswordProtection(sh)
Next sh
End Sub
Function CheckSheetPasswordProtection(YourSheet As Variant) As String
'check if worksheets are protected with a password
'doesn't destroy the previous protection settings of that sheet
Dim ws As Variant
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ProtectionResult As String
'Settings of the sheet
Dim sDrawingObjects As Boolean
Dim sContents As Boolean
Dim sScenarios As Boolean
Dim sUserInterfaceOnly As Boolean
Dim sAllowFormattingCells As Boolean
Dim sAllowFormattingColumns As Boolean
Dim sAllowFormattingRows As Boolean
Dim sAllowInsertingColumns As Boolean
Dim sAllowInsertingRows As Boolean
Dim sAllowInseringHyperlinks As Boolean
Dim sAllowDeletingColumns As Boolean
Dim sAllowDeletingRows As Boolean
Dim sAllowSorting As Boolean
Dim sAllowFiltering As Boolean
Dim sAllowUsingPivotTables As Boolean
Dim sEnableSelection As Integer ' 0 Anything can be selected, -4142 Nothing can be selected, 1 Only unlocked cells can be selected.
Dim sEnableOutlining As Boolean
Set ws = YourSheet
'***********if it is a worksheet**************
If TypeName(ws) = "Worksheet" Then
'check protection settings of the sheet
sDrawingObjects = ws.ProtectDrawingObjects
sContents = ws.ProtectContents
sScenarios = ws.ProtectScenarios
sUserInterfaceOnly = ws.ProtectionMode
sAllowFormattingCells = ws.Protection.AllowFormattingCells
sAllowFormattingColumns = ws.Protection.AllowFormattingColumns
sAllowFormattingRows = ws.Protection.AllowFormattingRows
sAllowInsertingColumns = ws.Protection.AllowInsertingColumns
sAllowInsertingRows = ws.Protection.AllowInsertingRows
sAllowInseringHyperlinks = ws.Protection.AllowInsertingHyperlinks
sAllowDeletingColumns = ws.Protection.AllowDeletingColumns
sAllowDeletingRows = ws.Protection.AllowDeletingRows
sAllowSorting = ws.Protection.AllowSorting
sAllowFiltering = ws.Protection.AllowFiltering
sAllowUsingPivotTables = ws.Protection.AllowUsingPivotTables
sEnableSelection = ws.EnableSelection
sEnableOutlining = ws.EnableOutlining
If ws.ProtectContents Or ws.ProtectDrawingObjects Or ws.ProtectScenarios Then
ProtectionResult = "Protected"
On Error Resume Next
ws.Unprotect Password:=""
If Err.Number > 0 Then
ProtectionResult = "PASSWORD protected"
Else 'if sheet was not protected with password, protect it again with its previous setting
ws.Protect _
Password:="", _
DrawingObjects:=sDrawingObjects, _
Contents:=sContents, _
Scenarios:=sScenarios, _
AllowFormattingCells:=sAllowFormattingCells, _
AllowFormattingColumns:=sAllowFormattingColumns, _
AllowFormattingRows:=sAllowFormattingRows, _
AllowInsertingColumns:=sAllowInsertingColumns, _
AllowInsertingRows:=sAllowInsertingRows, _
AllowInsertingHyperlinks:=sAllowInseringHyperlinks, _
AllowDeletingColumns:=sAllowDeletingColumns, _
AllowDeletingRows:=sAllowDeletingRows, _
AllowSorting:=sAllowSorting, _
AllowFiltering:=sAllowFiltering, _
AllowUsingPivotTables:=sAllowUsingPivotTables, _
ws.EnableSelection = sEnableSelection
ws.EnableOutlining = sEnableOutlining
End If 'checking for password (error)
On Error GoTo 0
Else 'if worksheet is not protected
ProtectionResult = "No Protection"
End If 'if protected
Else '*************if it is a chart*************** If TypeName(ws) = "Chart"
'check protection settings of the sheet
sDrawingObjects = ws.ProtectDrawingObjects
sContents = ws.ProtectContents
'if chart is protected
If ws.ProtectContents Or ws.ProtectDrawingObjects Then
ProtectionResult = "Protected"
On Error Resume Next
ws.Unprotect Password:=""
If Err.Number > 0 Then
ProtectionResult = "PASSWORD protected"
Else 'if sheet was not protected with password, protect it again with its previous setting
ws.Protect _
Password:="", _
DrawingObjects:=sDrawingObjects, _
End If 'checking for password (error)
On Error GoTo 0
Else 'if worksheet is not protected
ProtectionResult = "No Protection"
End If 'if protected
End If 'Worksheet or Chart
CheckSheetPasswordProtection = ProtectionResult
End Function