Firefox Add-on SDK如何知道其他插件的安装

How to know the installation of other add-on in Firefox Add-on SDK

知道任何带有 SDK 插件的插件安装(Firefox 浏览器)的代码是什么?


如果您想知道附加组件安装(不是卸载)的详细进度,您可以使用您通过 AddonManager.addInstallListener(). However, for what you have asked, receiving events when an and-on is installed (i.e. not monitoring the progress of the installation, just that it happened), you can use AddonManager.addAddonListener()onInstalled 事件添加的侦听器。

contains a complete Add-on SDK extension which shows the various events available through the AddonManager's addAddonListener() 方法。它还显示了为已安装的加载项和正在安装和卸载的加载项触发事件的顺序(显示您为自己的 install/uninstall 获得的事件以及加载项何时 installed/uninstalled 不是您自己的附加组件)。


const { AddonManager } = require("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm");

var addonListener = {
    onInstalled: function(addon){
        console.log('AddonManager Event: Installed addon ID: ' + 
                    + ' ::addon object:', addon);

exports.onUnload = function (reason) {
    //Your add-on listeners are NOT automatically removed when
    //  your add-on is disabled/uninstalled. 
    //You MUST remove them in exports.onUnload if the reason is
    //  not 'shutdown'.  If you don't, errors will be shown in the
    //  console for all events for which you registered a listener.
    if(reason !== 'shutdown') {

function installAddonListener(){
    //Using an AddonManager listener is not effective to listen for your own add-on's
    //  install event.  The event happens prior to you adding the listener.
    //console.log('In installAddonListener: Adding add-on listener');

function uninstallAddonListener(){
    //console.log('In removeAddonListener: Removing add-on listener');
