如何打印索引位置 x86 程序集

How to print index position x86 Assemby

我是 Assembly 的新手,正在尝试完成作业,我想知道如何打印数组的索引位置而不是索引处的值,我使用 ESI 作为指针。这里数组充满了 0 和 1,我只想打印 1 的索引。 示例数组 [1|1|0|0|1]

    mov eax,[esi]
    cmp eax,1
    je Show
    add esi,4
    loop PRINT
    call WriteDec
    call Crlf
    loop Show

输出应为 (1 2 5) 或 (0 1 4)。 谢谢


mov ebx,1           ; index counter, first element = 1
    mov eax,[esi]
    cmp eax,1
    jne noShow

    mov eax,ebx          
    call WriteDec
    call Crlf
    add esi,4
    inc ebx         ; increase counter
    loop PRINT

或从 ESI 计算(假设 ESI = ARRAY + 4* Index)

    mov eax,[esi]
    cmp eax,1
    jne noShow

    mov eax, esi       ; load position in index
    sub eax, ARRAY     ; remove starting position of the array
    shr eax, 2         ; divide it by 4, to get index position
    call WriteDec
    call Crlf

    add esi,4
    loop PRINT

(PS: 修正循环逻辑,问题中错误)

(PSS: 我无法测试代码 atm,我在工作 )

你必须从@MargaretBloom 的想法开始,数数,还有一些算法中的其他错误需要修复:

  • 你有两个loop,问题是,当第一个loop结束时,执行下一个代码块,再次打印eax,开始死循环.
  • 你的第二个 loop 跳转到 Show 但它应该跳转到 PRINT.
  • 您在 je Show 之后递增 esi,因此当找到 1 的值时索引不会递增,应该递增 esi 之前.


    mov edi, 0       ;◄■■ THIS IS THE POSITION YOU WANT TO DISPLAY (1,2,3,...).
    mov eax,[esi]
    add esi,4        ;◄■■ INCREMENT INDEX HERE.
    inc edi          ;◄■■ INCREASE POSITION (1,2,3,...).
    cmp eax,1
    je Show
    loop PRINT
    jmp  Finish      ;◄■■ SKIP NEXT BLOCK WHEN FINISH.
    mov  eax, edi    ;◄■■ DISPLAY POSITION.
    call WriteDec
    call Crlf
    loop PRINT       ;◄■■ JUMP TO PRINT, NOT TO SHOW.


how to ... index position of an array ... ESI as pointer

首先数组的定义很重要,如果它是由连续元素组成的简单平面数组,那么要获得地址指向的特定元素的索引EDI你可以从涉及的两个指针反向计算它(这需要原始的数组起始指针仍在 ESI!):

mov  eax,edi
sub  eax,esi      ; eax = (element_pointer - array_pointer)
; divide eax by <size_of_element>

; for example your OP code example suggest
; the array element size is DWORD = 4B
; then the division/4 can be done simply:
; shr   eax,2

; for byte arrays there's no need to divide the address
; difference, eax already contains index, as BYTE size = 1B

; for other element sizes, which are *not* power-of-two
; (you can't divide the difference by simply shifting it right)
; it may be more efficient to address them through separate index
; or do the: imul/mul (1/el_size) || idiv/div el_size
; (when there's no way to avoid it)

; after division the eax contains 0, 1, ... index.

如果元素的大小是非平凡的(不是二次方),或者结构不是平凡的(链表所以两个指针的差异与元素的索引不相关),你可能想要单独计算索引。仍然要避免每次提取的索引 mul element_size 可能值得将两者混合,因此通过指针寻址,并分别计算(对提取无用)索引,这将仅用于需要索引的地方。

此外,在此变体中,您可以从 1 建立索引,但我会避免这种情况,除非它是非程序员的一些人工输出,因为大多数 ASM/C/C++ 程序员自然希望建立索引从 0 开始(由于指针数学在我的第一个示例中的工作原理)。

; stolen from Toommylee2k, then modified to focus on my explanation

    xor  ebx,ebx         ; first index will be 1 (!)
    ; so I initialized ebx = 1 - 1 = 0, because
    ; I will increment it at beginning of loop

    ; for indexing from 0 the ebx should be initialized to -1

    ; update index first, so you can't miss it when branching later
    lea  ebx,[ebx+1] ; ebx = ebx+1 without flags modification

    ; since *here* "ebx" works as "index", contains "1" for first item

    ; do whatever you want with pointers, like "esi" in your sample code
    ; ...

    ; move to next element of array (avoids multiplication)
    add esi,size_of_element
    ; although `imul` on modern CPU will perform quite close to `add`
    ; so when multiplication is unavoidable, go for it.

    ; the division on the other hand still costs very likely more
    ; than having separate register/variable for index counting

    ; loop till ecx is zero (in much faster way than "loop")
    dec ecx
    jnz loop_start
    ; "loop" is very slow due to historic reasons, to improve compatibility

最后的扩展,当元素大小为[1, 2, 4, 8]之一时,您可以使用扩展的x86寻址模式来使用“0, 1, ...”索引而不是纯指针:

mov   ebx,7    ; index "7" = 8th element of array
lea   esi,[array_of_words]  ; array pointer

; addressing through index, supported directly by CPU for size 2
mov   ax,[esi + ebx*2]      ; complex x86 addressing allows this

; here ax = 8

    dw  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
