使用 $scope acces Angular 重用函数

Reuse functions with $scope acces Angular

我正在解决在两个控制器中通过范围访问重用相同函数的问题 在这里描述: How to include/inject functions which use $scope into a controller in angularjs?


new CommonService($scope).getSomethingFromDB();


services.factory("CommonService", function (DBService) {

function Factory ($scope) {

    this.$scope = $scope;

Factory.prototype.getSomethingFromDB = function () {
    if( angular.isUndefined(this.$scope.vrsteObracuna) || this.$scope.vrsteObracuna === null) {

        this.$scope.loading = true;
            function success(data) {
                this.$scope.loading = false; //ERROR !!!
                this.$scope.vrsteObracuna = data;
            function error(data, status, headers, config) {
                this.$scope.loading = false;
                etna.notifications.error("Error fetching!");

    return this.$scope.vrsteObracuna;

return Factory;

问题是 DBService.getSomethingFromDB 成功回调后 this.$scope.loading 未定义?

您还没有将 $scope 放入 "success" 闭包中,请尝试使用此代码:

services.factory("CommonService", function (DBService) {

function Factory ($scope) {

    this.$scope = $scope;

Factory.prototype.getSomethingFromDB = function () {
    if( angular.isUndefined(this.$scope.vrsteObracuna) || this.$scope.vrsteObracuna === null) {

        this.$scope.loading = true;
        var that = this;
            function success(data) {
                that.$scope.loading = false; //ERROR !!!
                that.$scope.vrsteObracuna = data;
            function error(data, status, headers, config) {
                that.$scope.loading = false;
                etna.notifications.error("Error fetching!");

    return this.$scope.vrsteObracuna;

return Factory;