AngularFire / Firebase - 从 $firebaseArray 获取单个元素以便在 DOM / $remove 中使用

AngularFire / Firebase - GET'ing a single element from $firebaseArray in order to use in DOM / $remove

我在使用 AngularFire / Firebase 从集合中获取单个记录时遇到了一些问题(然后,在我拥有它之后,将其从集合中 $remove'ing )。我相信我正在遵循位于此处的正确文档:

注意:我发现的许多文档/博客/答案似乎都在使用已弃用的 $firebase 服务(使用 $asArray 方法)——但是,最近的文档表明 $firebaseArray 是正确的服务,仅供参考。


$remove ( 的文档:

## official docs ##

Remove a record from Firebase and from the local data. This method returns 
a promise that resolves after the record is deleted at the server. It will 
contain a Firebase reference to the deleted record. It accepts either an 
array index or a reference to an item that exists in the array.

var list = $firebaseArray(ref);
var item = list[2];
list.$remove(item).then(function(ref) {
  ref.key() === item.$id; // true

我的代码(见下面 console.log):

.service('pollsData', function($firebaseArray){
    var fireRef = new Firebase('<-my-firebase-ref-url>');
    var polls = $firebaseArray(fireRef.child('polls'));
    var service = this;

    this.clearPolls = clearPolls;
    this.setInitialPolls = setInitialPolls;
    this.getPolls = getPolls;

    function clearPolls() {
      console.log("length: ", polls.length);  <--- I get a length of 0
      console.log(polls);  <-- I get a $firebaseArray object including the methods in the API docs
      console.log(polls[0], polls[1], polls[2]); <--- all 3 are undefined even though I can see several in the firebase data dashboard

      var poll = polls[1];
      console.log("poll?: ", poll);

    function getPolls() {
      polls = polls || $firebaseArray(fireRef.child('polls'));
      return polls;  <-- I can successfully ng-repeat over this returned selection in the template

    function setInitialPolls() {
        one: {
          name: "fantastic pollllllls",
          selection_one: {
            name: "pizza",
            count: 0
          selection_two: {
            name: "fries",
            count: 0
        two: {
          name: "mediocre poll",
          selection_one: {
            name: "blue",
            count: 0
          selection_two: {
            name: "green",
            count: 0


对于为什么从 $firebaseArray 中提取记录的方括号 [] 符号无法按照 AngularFire 文档的预期工作有任何见解吗?

更新:提供的回复仍然有用,因为这似乎与我对 $firebaseArray 的新文档以及 API 文档中 $remove 部分给出的示例的理解相冲突。理解这仍然是一个根本性的异步问题,但由于 $firebase 服务已被弃用并且我正在引用更新的文档,所以这个更新 Question/Solution 感觉有必要。

可以通过三种方法从 $firebaseArray 对象中检索记录。

  1. $getRecord(key)
  2. $keyAt(recordOrIndex)
  3. $indexFor(key)

我会更仔细地查看每一个的文档,但根据您的描述,您可能想要使用 $keyAt。但请记住,$firebaseArray 不是严格的数组,可用方法提供的 options/flexibility 比您在 'just an array'.

中习惯使用的更多 options/flexibility

此外,如评论中所述,您想在 promise 方法内部工作,为您处理三向数据绑定。

var arrayRef = new Firebase(firebase_location).child(child_location);
var theList = $firebase(arrayRef).$asArray();
theList.$loaded(function (list) {
  var x = list.$keyAt(list[target_position]);

  //use other methods for the $firebaseArray object