Linux 的 mv 在内部是如何工作的?

How does Linux's mv work internally?

我知道 Linux,如果我们想将文件夹从 f_old 重命名为 f_new,我们可以 运行:

mv f_old f_new

但是这个命令实际上让我感到困惑。系统会复制f_old里面的所有东西,粘贴到新文件夹f_new,最后删除f_old吗?还是只是将 f_old 重命名为 f_new



完整手册中对此进行了介绍,man mv 解释了如何获取:

   The  full  documentation  for mv is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If
   the info and mv programs are properly installed at your site, the  comâ

          info coreutils 'mv invocation'


mv can move any type of file from one file system to another. Prior to version 4.0 of the fileutils, mv could move only regular files between file systems. For example, now mv can move an entire directory hierarchy including special device files from one partition to another. It first uses some of the same code that's used by cp -a to copy the requested directories and files, then (assuming the copy succeeded) it removes the originals. If the copy fails, then the part that was copied to the destination partition is removed. If you were to copy three directories from one partition to another and the copy of the first directory succeeded, but the second didn't, the first would be left on the destination partition and the second and third would be left on the original partition.

如果源和目标位于同一分区,则不会复制或移动任何内容。各种 inode 组件被操纵,仅此而已。如果源和目标不同,那么您将看到一个物理副本并删除。

编辑 -

请注意,它是 目录条目 被操纵的。这与 inode 不同。