Exchange Powershell 脚本循环

Exchange Powershell script looping

我有一个脚本,我经常在工作中使用它来显示用户帐户上所有活动的同步设备。我需要一个启用或禁用 Activesync 的用户列表,所以我编辑了第一个脚本。但是现在,它循环了很多次,如果我放置 -hidetableheadders,它会循环更多次。导致循环的这段代码有什么问题?我会把我需要帮助的代码放在第一位,然后我会把我从下面复制的工作代码放在上面。

我认为问题出在 "foreach" 块中,但无论我在其中更改什么,甚至删除它,文件都是空的。

Activesync 启用代码:

#Settings for file ouput
$fLocation = "D:\Exchange Reports\"

#Read OU imput from console:
$OU = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the OU name to search: (0202 - Dev Bank)"

#lookup users based on the OU
$Ulist = Get-CASMailbox -organizationalunit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=CSIDMZ,DC=local" -ResultSize Unlimited

foreach ($user in $Ulist)
        $aSyncUser = Get-CASMailbox -organizationalunit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=ThisIsMyDC,DC=local" | where { $_.ActiveSyncEnabled -eq 'True'} | ft name, activesyncenabled -autosize

        if ($aSyncUser -ne $null)
                $deviceID = $aSyncUser | out-string
                $Content = "User: $user $deviceID"
                Add-Content $fName $Content


    write-host "The script completed successfully! The output file can be found at $fName" -ForeGroundColor Yellow


#Settings for file ouput
$fLocation = "D:\Exchange Reports\"

#Read OU imput from console:
$OU = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the OU name to search: (0202 - Dev Bank)"

#lookup users based on the OU
$Ulist = get-mailbox -OrganizationalUnit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=ThisIsMyDC,DC=local" -ResultSize Unlimited

foreach ($user in $Ulist)
        $aSyncUser = get-activesyncdevice -mailbox $user.SAMAccountName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |ft DeviceID -HideTableHeaders

        if ($aSyncUser -ne $null)
                $deviceID = $aSyncUser | out-string
                $Content = "User: $user $deviceID"
                Add-Content $fName $Content

    write-host "The script completed successfully! The output file can be found at $fName" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

这是文件的输出,以 Matt 为例。我缩短了第一组,但在第二组中包含了整个 return。当我 运行 命令时得到的日志,return 是 OU 中每个用户的完整列表,据我所知,而不仅仅是列表中的用户。这是因为在命令中选择了两次 ou 吗?

User: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.FormatStartData 
Name             ActiveSyncEnabled
----             -----------------
Judy X Langford               True

User: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.GroupStartData 
Name             ActiveSyncEnabled
----             -----------------
Judy X Langford               True

我编辑了命令,得到了这个 return,这就是我的提示,它 return 为每个用户计算一次结果,我只需要一次结果。我包括要显示的整个结果集,用户 Sharla 不在它下面的 returned 列表中。

User: Domain.local/Hosted Exchange Customers/This is my OU/Sharla x Ryan
Name             ActiveSyncEnabled
----             -----------------
Judy X Langford               True
Sandy X Stuckey               True
0718 test                     True
Shelby D Hansche              True
Toni X Brooks                 True
Katie X Strain                True
Monica Minter                 True
Chloe X Mims                  True
Jay X Davis                   True
Aaron Calvit                  True
Joe Nichols                   True
Sherry X Rice                 True
Tracey X Wardlaw              True
Brad X Davis                  True
Chris X Lannom                True
Haley X Burleson              True
Cody X Deal                   True
Cris X Day                    True
Mitch X Stone                 True

User: Domain.local/Hosted Exchange Customers/This is my OU/Judy X Langford
Name             ActiveSyncEnabled
----             -----------------
Judy X Langford               True

听取了 Matt 的建议,我在有关 $user.samaccountname 的行中重新添加了内容。这破坏了输出,所以我不得不把它放进去,但现在它正好给了我我需要的东西。

#lookup users based on the OU

Get-CASMailbox -OrganizationalUnit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=CSIDMZ,DC=local" -ResultSize unlimited | select name,activesyncenabled >>$fLocation+$OU+"_ActiveSyncEnabled.txt"

foreach ($user in $Ulist)
        $aSyncUser = get-activesyncdevice -mailbox $user.SAMAccountName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |ft name, activesyncenabled -HideTableHeaders 

        if ($aSyncUser -ne $null)
                $deviceID = $aSyncUser | out-string
                $Content = "User: $user $deviceID"
                Add-Content $fName $Content


$aSyncUser = Get-CASMailbox -organizationalunit "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=ThisIsMyDC,DC=local" | where { $_.ActiveSyncEnabled -eq 'True'} | ft name, activesyncenabled -autosize
  1. 您没有获得单个用户。每次通过时,您都会在该 OU 中获得 all 用户。我无法想象那是你想要的。
  2. 您对 Format-Table 的使用只是在询问后续问题。在这里查看我对该主题的回答

I needed a list of Activesync enabled or disabled users

那么所有用户呢?不确定为什么要在循环外搜索 CAS 邮箱以在循环内的不同 OU 中再次搜索。