
Assembly language-How to make two inputted number as one?


    if age = 18 then write "You are of legal age" 
    else if age<18 then write "You are too young"
    else write "You should be working now"


    mov ah,01h  "This is the first digit"
    int 21h
    mov bl,al
    mov ah,01h "This is the second'
    int 21h

当我输入一个两位数时,AL有两个不同的值。我将第一个值移动到 BL 以保存它,但我不知道下一步该怎么做。我能问一下如何让它们结合起来吗?当我输入“17”时,它将是 17h。我读过我需要减去 30h,但这只适用于 0-9。我不知道从 10 号开始该怎么做。我正在使用 Tasm。



num db 0     ;declare a variable to store the two digit input
ten db 10     ;declare a variable that holds a value 10

mov ah,01h  ;This is the first digit
int 21h
SUB al,48D     ;subtract 48D 
MUL ten        ;multiply with 10 because this digit is in ten's place
mov num,al    ;mov first digit input in num

mov ah,01h  ;This is the second digit
int 21h
SUB al,48D 
ADD num,al   ;add second digit to num

现在您的两位数在变量 num

请注意,我将第一个数字输入乘以 10,但我没有将第二个数字输入乘以任何东西,因为它在一个地方。