从 Gupshup 访问 Firebase 数据库

Accessing Firebase database from Gupshup

我正在使用 Gupshup 和 Firebase 构建一个机器人。 我想做两个任务: (i) 我希望存储我与用户的所有对话。 (ii) 当用户打开对话时,我想获取最后 10 个对话。

Gupshup 支持 HTTP GET 和 HTTP POST 方法。


var url3 = "https://My app name.firebaseio.com/Chat.json";
           var header3 = {"Content-Type": "application/json"};
               var param3 = JSON.parse(res).result.fulfillment.speech; // Parsing Result from NLP tool



context.simplehttp.makeGet('https://My app name.firebaseio.com/Chat.json', function(c,e){
var res = "Sample response from http put method\n"+e.getresp;

每次我创建 HTTP POST 以将数据添加到 Firebase 数据库时,都会生成一个实时时间,在该时间下添加数据。





"Hello. How can I help you?"


"Okay here is the deal: Buy a pizza today and ge..."


"show some deals"

当我尝试使用 HTTP GET https://My app name.firebaseio.com/Chat.json 时,返回以下 JSON:

{"-KY4x81jkuxvT9TjDOfk":"Hello. How can I help you?",
 "-KY4xAR1KEEQNO1KfjnI":"I'm a bit confused by that last part."}

现在如何解析此 JSON 并访问对话并将其呈现给用户?

或者有什么方法可以直接使用 HTTP GET 访问 Child?


    You can use the following way to access the keys and the data:
    //Parse your JSON if you are getting it using http call using JSON.parse(yourjson);

    var json={"-KY4x81jkuxvT9TjDOfk":"Hello. How can I help you?",
     "-KY4xAR1KEEQNO1KfjnI":"I'm a bit confused by that last part."};
   //Getting Keys

   var keys=Object.keys(json);
   //Getting Conversations
   for(var i=0;i<keys.length;i++)