在 Brightscript 中生成即将到期的 AWS S3 URL 链接

Generate Expiring AWS S3 URL links in Brightscript

有人可以向我指出一些使用 brightscript 生成过期 AWS S3 url 和 AWSaccesskey 的文档,以附加到来自 XML 提要的视频链接。


好吧,没有答案所以我放弃了 brightscript 位,不知道如何在 brightscript 中做 base64_encode 部分。

所以我在 linux 主机上托管了我的 XML 提要并创建了一个 PHP 页面来生成类别提要并运行一个函数来创建基于签名的 AWS S3 过期链接根据 Tournas Dimitrios https://tournasdimitrios1.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/how-to-create-expiring-links-for-amazons-s3-with-php/ 的工作。

仅对函数进行了一些调整,以切换 URL 的组织结构,并使用 & 而不是 XML 的 &。

结果很好,只需用您的特定信息和视频文件填写变量并将类别供稿指向 php 页面



// Set header content type for XML for proper browser render
header('Content-Type: text/xml');


// Set Variables
$genre = "Documentary";
$type = "Video";
$bucketName = "Your S3 Bucket"   ; 
$awsAccessKey = "Your AWS Access Key"  ; 
$awsSecretKey = "Your AWS Secret Key"  ; 

//Build Array of Video Items
$xmlContent = array (
    array ( "title" => "Title 1", 
            "desc" => "Description 1", 
            "sdImg" => "http://Image1.url", 
            "vidFile" => "/path/videofile1.mp4"),
    array ( "title" => "Title 2", 
            "desc" => "Description 2", 
            "sdImg" => "http://Image2.url", 
            "vidFile" => "/path/videofile3.mp4"),
    array ( "title" => "Title 3", 
            "desc" => "Description 3", 
            "sdImg" => "http://Image3.url", 
            "vidFile" => "/path/videofile3.mp4")


// Echo initial part or XML document
        echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
        echo '<feed>';

// Loop through the rest of the XML document filling in variables
$count = 1;
foreach ($xmlContent as $video) {

    // Call function to produce expiring signed AWS S3 URL
    $objectPath = $video[vidFile] ; 
    $s3URL =  s3TempLink("$awsAccessKey" , "$awsSecretKey", "$bucketName",  "$objectPath") ; 

        echo ' <item sdImg="'. $video[sdImg] .'" hdImg="'. $video[sdImg] .'">';
        echo '  <title>'. $video[title] .'</title>';
        echo '  <contentType>'. $type .'</contentType>';
        echo '  <contentId>'. $count .'</contentId>';
        echo '  <media>';
        echo '   <streamFormat>mp4</streamFormat>';
        echo '   <streamQuality>SD</streamQuality>';
        echo '   <streamUrl>'. $s3URL .'</streamUrl>';
        echo '  </media>';
        echo '  <media>';
        echo '   <streamFormat>mp4</streamFormat>';
        echo '   <streamQuality>HD</streamQuality>';
        echo '   <streamUrl>'. $s3URL .'</streamUrl>';
        echo '  </media>';
        echo '  <synopsis>'.  $video[desc] .'</synopsis>';
        echo '  <genres>'.  $genre .'</genres>';
        echo ' </item>';

// Echo last part of XML document
        echo '</feed>';

// Function to create signed expiring AWS S3 link Original by Tournas Dimitrios
    //Reference Link: https://tournasdimitrios1.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/how-to-create-expiring-links-for-amazons-s3-with-php/

function s3TempLink($awsAccessKey, $awsSecretKey, $bucketName , $objectPath , $expires = 5) {
  // Calculating expiry time
  $expires = time() + ($expires * 60) ; 
  $objectPath =  ltrim($objectPath, '/') ;
  $signature = "GET\n\n\n$expires\n".'/'.$bucketName.'/'.$objectPath ; 
  // Calculating  HMAC-sha1
  $hashedSignature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1' ,$signature , $awsSecretKey , true )) ;
  // Constructing the URL
  $url = sprintf('http://s3.amazonaws.com/%s/%s', $bucketName , $objectPath);
  // Constructing the query String
  $queryString = http_build_query( array(
    'AWSAccessKeyId' => $awsAccessKey ,
    'Expires' => $expires ,
    'Signature' => $hashedSignature
            ), '', '&amp;');
    // Apending query string to URL
  return $url.'?'.$queryString ;


