如何在 bluemix devops 服务跟踪和计划中禁用电子邮件通知

How to disable email notifications in bluemix devops services track & plan

使用 IBM Bluemix DevOps Services 的 'Track & Plan' 功能时,我和我的同事收到了大量电子邮件通知。例如,针对每个工作项创建、修改或分配发出通知。由于此类邮件的数量太多,我想停用它们。

如果我可以完全访问底层 RTC 实例,我会按照 RTC Knowledge Center - Configuring notifications in the web client.


到目前为止,我无法在 DevOps Services 上托管的版本中找到可比较的配置页面。此外,Bluemix DevOps Services 文档(例如 Track and plan)没有在这方面给出任何提示。




  1. Find your name on a full page workitem and click on it (could be in created by, subscribed, mentioned in a comment, ...)
  2. You'll land in a page that has your profile and some license information...ignore that. Take the URL from the browser window and paste it into a text editor or some text buffer somewhere. e.g. https://hub.jazz.net/jts08/admin#action=com.ibm.team.repository.viewUserProfile⁢emId=_yyeAwKGKEeSa6LqyswPPCA
  3. Go back to the Track&Plan view click on "Track & Plan" drop down and select the "Project Dashboard". You should now have a URL that looks like: https://hub.jazz.net/ccm08/web/projects/dleroux%20%7C%20TestNewSprint#action=com.ibm.team.dashboard.viewDashboard
  4. Take the action portion from URL in 2 and replace the action portion of the url in 3 giving you something like: https://hub.jazz.net/ccm08/web/projects/dleroux%20%7C%20TestNewSprint#action=com.ibm.team.repository.viewUserProfile⁢emId=_yyeAwKGKEeSa6LqyswPPCA
  5. Navigate to the URL...select "Mail configuration"