当前命名空间中没有 运行 测试时如何禁用测试装置?

How to disable test fixtures when no tests are running in the current namespace?

我看到很多 clojure 项目通过将此设置添加到 project.clj:

:test-selectors {:default (complement :integration)
                 :integration :integration}

但是,如果命名空间仅包含集成测试,那么当我 运行 lein test!

时,其中的固定装置仍然 运行

例如,如果我 运行 lein new app test 并将 core_test.clj 的内容设为:

(defn fixture [f]
  (println "Expensive setup fixture is running")
(use-fixtures :once fixture)

(deftest ^:integration a-test
  (println "integration test running"))

然后当我 运行 lein test 我看到夹具 运行ning 即使没有测试 运行.

在 Clojure 中处理这个问题的正确方法是什么?

似乎夹具是 运行ning,无论是否测试 运行。然后,您可以将夹具功能放入测试本身以 "manually" 控制 setup/teardown。伪代码:

(defn run-all-tests []

(deftest ^:slow mytest

完成不 运行 昂贵计算的一种方法是利用这样一个事实,即使 :once 固定装置将 运行 无论是否有测试 运行 是否在 ns 中,:each fixtures 只会 运行 在每个 actually-运行ning 测试中。

而不是在 :once 夹具中进行实际计算(或获取资源,如数据库连接,或做任何副作用),我们只在第一个(我们只想做)一次!):each fixture,例如做如下:

(def run-fixture? (atom true))

(defn enable-fixture [f]
  (println "enabling expensive fixture...")
    (finally (reset! run-fixture? true))))

(defn expensive-fixture [f]
  (if @run-fixture?
      (println "doing expensive computation and acquiring resources...")
      (reset! run-fixture? false))
    (println "yay, expensive thing is done!"))

(use-fixtures :once enable-fixture)
(use-fixtures :each expensive-fixture)

(deftest ^:integration integration-test
  (println "first integration test"))

(deftest ^:integration second-integration-test
  (println "second integration test"))

lein test 的输出如下(注意 enable-fixture 如何有 运行 而不是昂贵的 expensive-fixture):

› lein test

lein test fixture.core-test
enabling expensive fixture...

Ran 0 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

当运行宁lein test :integration时,expensive-fixture将运行恰好一次:

› lein test :integration

lein test fixture.core-test
enabling expensive fixture...
doing expensive computation and acquiring resources...
first integration test
yay, expensive thing is done!
second integration test

Ran 2 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.