在本地设置 Bluemix VCAP_SERVICES 环境变量,以便我可以在本地开发?

Set Bluemix VCAP_SERVICES environment variable locally so that I can develop locally?

我正在尝试在本地设置我的 Bluemix VCAP_SERVICES environment variable,但我在终端中收到此错误:

NoSQL: command not found


  1. 登录Bluemix.net
  2. 部署一个hello world flask application
  3. 将 Bluemix Cloudant 服务绑定到应用程序
  4. 从 Python
  5. 的应用程序上的运行时/环境变量复制 VCAP_SERVICES 环境变量
  6. 在本地编辑器中删除 Mac 终端上的所有换行符
  7. vi ~/.bash_profile
  8. 使用 i
  9. 进入插入模式
  10. 粘贴到VCAPSERVICES,我的是这样的:

    VCAP_SERVICES="{"VCAP_SERVICES":{"cloudantNoSQLDB": [{"credentials": {"host": "fakehostc-bluemix.cloudant.com","password":"fakepassword4da6de3a12a83362b26a","port": 443,"url": "https://fakeURLc-bluemix:fakeab96175c-bluemix.cloudant.com","username": "fakeusername-b749-399cfbd1175c-bluemix"},"label":"cloudantNoSQLDB","name":"Cloudant NoSQL DB-p2","plan":"Lite","provider":null,"syslog_drain_url":null,"tags":["data_management","ibm_created","ibm_dedicated_public"]}]}}"
    export VCAP_SERVICES
  11. 保存文件并退出 vi :wq!

  12. 使用 . ~/.bash_profile 获取修改后的文件以使用新的 VCAP 环境变量
  13. 设置终端 window

我在复制和设置本地 Bluemix VCAP_Services 环境变量时做错了什么?

如果我复制整个内容,我会收到行太长的错误。我如何轻松地将整个 Bluemix Python 运行时 VCAP_SERVICES 变量复制并粘贴到我的本地 Mac .bash_profile 环境设置中,而无需手动修改 JSON 和所有这些换行符ETC?


在本地创建 VCAP_SERVICES env 变量是一种反模式。我建议在本地 运行ning 时只使用连接信息。

选项 1

if 'VCAP_SERVICES' in os.environ:
    services = json.loads(os.getenv('VCAP_SERVICES'))
    cloudant_url = services['cloudantNoSQLDB'][0]['credentials']['url']
    cloudant_url = "https://fakeURLc-bluemix:fakeab96175c-bluemix.cloudant.com"

选项 2

如果您不想将凭据硬编码到您的代码中,那么您可以创建一个 .env 文件:

export LOCAL_CLOUDANT_URL=https://fakeURLc-bluemix:fakeab96175c-bluemix.cloudant.com

并在您的 python 代码中:

if 'VCAP_SERVICES' in os.environ:
    services = json.loads(os.getenv('VCAP_SERVICES'))
    cloudant_url = services['cloudantNoSQLDB'][0]['credentials']['url']
    cloudant_url = os.environ['LOCAL_CLOUDANT_URL']

然后 source .env 在你 运行 你的申请之前。




VCAP_SERVICES='{"cloudantNoSQLDB": [{"credentials": {"host": "fakehostc-bluemix.cloudant.com","password":"fakepassword4da6de3a12a83362b26a","port": 443,"url": "https://fakeURLc-bluemix:fakeab96175c-bluemix.cloudant.com","username": "fakeusername-b749-399cfbd1175c-bluemix"},"label":"cloudantNoSQLDB","name":"Cloudant NoSQL DB-p2","plan":"Lite","provider":null,"syslog_drain_url":null,"tags":["data_management","ibm_created","ibm_dedicated_public"]}]}'

以下是检索 VCAP 服务环境变量并在 Cloudant 上执行基本操作的相应代码:

# 1. Parse VCAP_SERVICES Variable and connect to DB         
vcap = json.loads(os.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"))['cloudantNoSQLDB']        
serviceUsername = vcap[0]['credentials']['username']
servicePassword = vcap[0]['credentials']['password']    
serviceURL = vcap[0]['credentials']['url']

# Create Cloudant DB connection
# This is the name of the database we are working with.
databaseName = "databasedemo"

# This is a simple collection of data,
# to store within the database.
sampleData = [
    [1, "one", "boiling", 100],
    [2, "two", "hot", 40],
    [3, "three", "warm", 20],
    [4, "four", "cold", 10],
    [5, "five", "freezing", 0]

# Use the Cloudant library to create a Cloudant client.
client = Cloudant(serviceUsername, servicePassword, url=serviceURL)

# Connect to the server

# 2.  Creating a database within the service instance.

# Create an instance of the database.
myDatabaseDemo = client.create_database(databaseName)

# Check that the database now exists.
if myDatabaseDemo.exists():
    print "'{0}' successfully created.\n".format(databaseName)

# 3.  Storing a small collection of data as documents within the database.

# Create documents using the sample data.
# Go through each row in the array
for document in sampleData:
    # Retrieve the fields in each row.
    number = document[0]
    name = document[1]
    description = document[2]
    temperature = document[3]

    # Create a JSON document that represents
    # all the data in the row.
    jsonDocument = {
        "numberField": number,
        "nameField": name,
        "descriptionField": description,
        "temperatureField": temperature

    # Create a document using the Database API.
    newDocument = myDatabaseDemo.create_document(jsonDocument)

    # Check that the document exists in the database.
    if newDocument.exists():
        print "Document '{0}' successfully created.".format(number)

# 4.  Retrieving a complete list of the documents.

# Simple and minimal retrieval of the first
# document in the database.
result_collection = Result(myDatabaseDemo.all_docs)
print "Retrieved minimal document:\n{0}\n".format(result_collection[0])

# Simple and full retrieval of the first
# document in the database.
result_collection = Result(myDatabaseDemo.all_docs, include_docs=True)
print "Retrieved full document:\n{0}\n".format(result_collection[0])

# Use a Cloudant API endpoint to retrieve
# all the documents in the database,
# including their content.

# Define the end point and parameters
end_point = '{0}/{1}'.format(serviceURL, databaseName + "/_all_docs")
params = {'include_docs': 'true'}

# Issue the request
response = client.r_session.get(end_point, params=params)

# Display the response content
print "{0}\n".format(response.json())

# 5.  Deleting the database.

# Delete the test database.
try :
except CloudantException:
    print "There was a problem deleting '{0}'.\n".format(databaseName)
    print "'{0}' successfully deleted.\n".format(databaseName)

# 6.  Closing the connection to the service instance.

# Disconnect from the server

有一个 cf CLI 插件可以从您的应用中获取 VCAP_SERVICES 并帮助您在本地进行设置。我已经在 Mac 上使用了它,根本不需要调整引号。
