"WebDev.WebServer20.exe has stopped working" 与 "Unable to Connect to the ASP.NET Development Server" VS 2008 仅适用于特定项目

"WebDev.WebServer20.exe has stopped working" with "Unable to Connect to the ASP.NET Development Server" VS 2008 only on specific project

我仅在特定项目上使用 "Unable to Connect to the ASP.NET Development Server" VS 2008 获得 "WebDev.WebServer20.exe has stopped working"。

其他项目工作正常。当我单击 Run


尝试了 this, this, and this 解决方案。但没有工作。可能是因为我连续收到两个错误



Changing Auto-assign Port to Specific Port and giving some random port number makes the project to run and prevent from crashing WebDev.WebServer20.exe.

双击 ServersWeb 选项卡中的 Solution Explorer -> My Project -> Use Visual Studio Development Server 单击名为 Specific Port 的单选按钮并将端口号更改为某个随机值来自 0 to 65535,然后保存并 run