C#:使用 Docotic.Pdf 库打开受密码保护的 PDF

C#: Open password protected PDF with Docotic.Pdf library

我有一个从 PDF 文档中提取文本的代码,因此一些 PDF 受密码保护,我需要一种方法来识别 PDF 是否受密码保护

我正在使用。BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf 图书馆。

Purpose:- If I find the PDF as password protected then I will show a dialog prompt to user to enter password and then open PDF using that password.

编辑 1: 解决方案作为答案发布

I found that IsPasswordProtected() method provided in library which returns a Boolean value if current specified file is password protected or not.


BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf.PdfDocument pdfcontent=null;

public static string GetText(string filename)
    if (PdfDocument.IsPasswordProtected(filename))
        //method to show dialog for password
        using (pdfcontent = new PdfDocument(filename, pass))
            return pdf.GetTextWithFormatting();
        using (pdfcontent = new PdfDocument(filename))
            return pdf.GetTextWithFormatting();                