laravel 5.3 和 whatsapi 找不到驱动程序

laravel 5.3 and whatsapi could not find driver

我有问题,那是我安装了新的 laravel 项目 我安装了 whatsapi 从我的项目发送 whatsapp 消息.. 我在这个 link 上完成了步骤 enter link description here

但是我这样做时遇到的问题 在我的路线上 喜欢

      // Retrieve user data from database, web service, and so on.
// Dummy method, fake data.
$user = new stdClass;
$user->name = 'Benjamín Martínez Mateos';
$user->phone = '5219512222222';

$message = "Hello $user->name and welcome to our site";

$messages = Whatsapi::send($message, function($send) use ($user)

    // Add new text message
    $send->message('Thanks for subscribe');


Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1
PDOException in SqliteMessageStore.php line 23:
could not find driver
in SqliteMessageStore.php line 23
at PDO->__construct('sqlite:C:\whatsapidemo\storage/whatsapi\msgstore-            962799024459.db', null, null, array('2', '2')) in SqliteMessageStore.php line 23
at SqliteMessageStore->__construct('962799024459',

如该错误所述:could not find driver

确保您的服务器上启用了 PHP SQLite PDO 驱动程序