
get age brackets and gender filtered by pagepath


using this google analytics tool 我设置

1. dimensions => ga:visitorGender,ga:visitorAgeBracket
2. metrics => ga:users
3. filter => ga:pagePath==/view/?id=85933
4. startDate => 2015-02-26
5. endDate => 2015-03-12

结果是 no results found 当我使用日期维度和综合浏览量指标时,我得到了我的 pagePath 的结果。证明我的pagePath没有错



Instructions to enable Demographic reports

如果您仍然无法获得报告,我认为问题是由人口统计学的阈值引起的。来自 Help Center Article

Thresholds are applied to prevent anyone viewing a report from inferring the demographics or interests of individual users. When a report contains Age, Gender, or Interest Category (as a primary or secondary dimension, or as part of an applied segment), a threshold may be applied and some data may be withheld from the report. For example, if there are fewer than N instances of Gender=male in a report, then data for the male dimension may be withheld.

If a threshold has been applied to a report, you will see a notice below the report title.

这意味着只有在该类别中至少有 N 个用户时才会显示此数据。不清楚 N 代表什么。