抽象 Hspec 测试

Abstracting Hspec tests

我正在经历 "Haskell programming from first principles",我发现自己一遍又一遍地按照以下方式编写代码:

type IntToInt = Fun Int Int
type TypeIdentity = ConcreteFunctorType Int -> Bool
type TypeComposition = ConcreteFunctorType Int -> IntToInt -> IntToInt -> Bool

checkSomething :: IO ()
checkSomething = hspec $ do
        describe "Some functor" $ do
            it "identity property" $ do
                property $ (functorIdentity :: TypeIdentity)
            it "composition property" $ do
                property $ (functorComposition :: TypeComposition)



checkFunctor :: (Functor f) => String -> f a -> IO ()
checkFunctor description f = hspec $ do
        describe description $ do
            it "identity property" $ do
                property $ (functorIdentity :: f a -> TypeIdentity)
            it "composition property" $ do
                property $ ( functorComposition :: f a -> TypeComposition)

编辑: 在 Sapanoia 的回答后,我尝试了如下

type TypeIdentity = Bool
type TypeComposition = Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Bool

checkFunctor :: forall f a. (Functor f) => String -> f a -> IO ()
checkFunctor description f = hspec $ do
    describe description $ do
        it "identity property" $ do
            property $ (functorIdentity :: f a -> TypeIdentity)
        it "composition property" $ do
            property $ (functorCompose' :: f a -> TypeComposition)


FunctorCheck.hs:22:25: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘Int’
  ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
    the type signature for:
      checkFunctor :: forall (f :: * -> *) a.
                      Functor f =>
                      String -> f a -> IO ()
    at FunctorCheck.hs:16:26
  Expected type: f a -> TypeComposition
    Actual type: f Int -> Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Bool


有没有一种方法可以将 checkFunctor 的类型绑定到特定类型,如下所示?

checkFuntor :: checkFunctor :: forall f Int. (Functor f) => String -> f a -> IO ()

当然我试过了,它给了我一个解析错误,我想这只是我没有正确使用 'forall'。

由于您没有添加错误消息,我认为问题是定义了 (functorIdentity :: f a -> TypeIdentity) 的类型错误。问题是这里引入的f是新的,与顶级签名中的f不同。要解决此问题,请启用以下扩展:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}


checkFunctor :: forall f a. (Functor f) => String -> f a -> IO ()

forall 引入了新的 类型变量 。没有 ScopedTypeVariables 和显式 forall 它总是隐式存在,并且 (functorIdentity :: f a -> TypeIdentity) 变成 (functorIdentity :: forall f a. f a -> TypeIdentity)。但是,您 想要 forall 在这里,因为您希望类型变量 fa 与顶级变量相同。