在 Google Directions API 中为 Android 更改路线选项

Change route option in Google Directions API for Android

我正在使用 Google 路线 API 让 Android 应用显示路线。我知道如果我将 &alternatives=true 添加到我的查询 URL,我可以获得替代路线。

但是是否可以从 Google 地图中使用这些选项查询路线:

我可以在我的 URL 查询中添加类似 &routes=best 的内容吗?

根据 documentation,您只能施加 限制 ,其中包括以下三个参数:

  • 避免=通行费
  • 避开=高速公路
  • 避免=渡轮

以及它们的组合。要将此添加到您的请求中,请为单个参数请求写 avoid=tolls 或为参数组合写 avoid=elem1|elem2|elem3


transit_routing_preference — Specifies preferences for transit routes. Using this parameter, you can bias the options returned, rather than accepting the default best route chosen by the API. This parameter may only be specified for transit directions, and only if the request includes an API key or a Google Maps API for Work client ID. The parameter supports the following arguments:

less_walking indicates that the calculated route should prefer limited amounts of walking

fewer_transfers indicates that the calculated route should prefer a limited number of transfers.