使用带有 extra-deps 的堆栈求解器时发生名称冲突

Hackage name collision while using stack solver with extra-deps

事实证明我的应用程序名称与上传到 hackage 的其中一个软件包相同,所以当我尝试使用 stack solver --resolver lts 7.12 解析额外的依赖项时,我收到以下错误:

$ stack solver --resolver lts-7.12
Using configuration file: stack.yaml
Using cabal packages:
- html-parse.cabal

Using resolver: lts-7.12
Using compiler: ghc-8.0.1
Asking cabal to calculate a build plan...
Trying with packages from lts-7.12 as hard constraints...
Attempt failed.

>>>> Cabal errors begin
cabal.exe: Could not resolve dependencies:
next goal: html-parse (user goal)
rejecting: html-parse-, (global constraint requires ==
trying: html-parse-
next goal: hunit (dependency of html-parse-
Dependency tree exhaustively searched.
<<<< Cabal errors end

Could not parse cabal-install errors:

>>>> Cabal errors begin
cabal.exe: Could not resolve dependencies:
next goal: html-parse (user goal)
rejecting: html-parse-, (global constraint requires ==
trying: html-parse-
next goal: hunit (dependency of html-parse-
Dependency tree exhaustively searched.
<<<< Cabal errors end

我在 .cabal 文件中的 app/package 名称是 html-parse,当前版本是。看起来我自己的包被列为具有 == 约束的依赖项,但是 hackage 上还有另一个包具有相同的名称但版本不同。


引用 Cabal user guide(强调我的):

Package names and versions

All packages have a name, e.g. “HUnit”. Package names are assumed to be unique. Cabal package names can use letters, numbers and hyphens, but not spaces. The namespace for Cabal packages is flat, not hierarchical.

因此,Cabal 库没有处理包名称冲突的功能,cabal-install堆栈。既然如此,您将不得不重命名您的包。

P.S.: 我故意不认真考虑将你的项目设置为使用排除同名包的 private Hackage 的可能性,因为我不知道它会如何发挥在实践中,因为它比它的价值要麻烦得多。