如何在 6.0 Visual Studio 模拟器上安装 Google Play 服务?

How to install Google Play Services on a 6.0 Visual Studio Emulator?

我已按照 by Rob Prouse here 提供的解决方案在 Visual Studio 模拟器 运行 Android 5.1.1 上安装 Google Play 服务 API 22 级。这一切都很好,我的应用程序中的地图也成功运行,但是,我希望在 6.0 设备上运行它。

Rob Prouse 解决方案:

1 - Download the correct GAPPS for the Android version from http://www.teamandroid.com/gapps/
2 - Use the Additional Tools (small >> icon) for the emulator and go to the SD Card tab.
3 - Select a folder on your computer to sync with the virtual SD card.
4 - Pull from SD card, which will create a folder structure on the selected folder.
5 - Now copy the Gapps fill to the ‘Download’ folder.
6 - Push to SD card. This will take a little while, and copy the zip file to your emulator.
7 - Run a commmand prompt, and go to sdk\platform-tools in your Android SDK location and run adb devices.
8 - If you see the your emulator in the list, then skip to step 10.
9 - If you do not see emulator, run the following: adb connect <emulator ip>:5555 You can find the emulator ip, from within the emulator, go to Settings -> About Phone -> Status and IP section.
10 - Next run, adb shell. This will give you a prompt to the android emulator.
11 - Confirm the gapps file is there: ls /sdcard/Download
12 - Now run, install_zip.sh /sdcard/Download/.zip This should begin the flashing process.
13 - Once the flashing is complete, restart the emulator.
14 - Once you restart, you may see errors with apps like Google+ trying to start up, ignore them for now.
15 - Sign into your Google account and upgrade all apps from Google Play.
16 - When you run your application that requires Google Play services, you may be prompted to upgrade

我尝试了 http://www.teamandroid.com/gapps/ 中的所有三个软件包,但 none 有效。
请注意,HDPI / MDPI / TINY: gapps-600-base-20151016-1-signed.zip 安装了 Play 商店,但它一直崩溃并且永远无法打开。
我尝试了 adb 命令和拖放解决方案。
有人能够将 google 播放服务安装到 6.0 Visual Studio 模拟器中吗?

我最终关注了另一个关于模拟器的文档,它运行良好。 对于遇到同样问题的任何人,请看一下这个: http://blog.ostebaronen.dk/2016/04/installing-gapps-in-visual-studio.html


1. Install a Marshmallow image in the Visual Studio Emulator for Android tools (can be opened through Tools > Visual Studio Emulator for Android in Visual Studio)
2. Download gapps-L-4-21-15.zip
3. Download benzo-gapps-M-20151011-signed-chroma-r3.zip

1. Start the Marshmallow image
2. Drag the gapps-L-4-21-15.zip onto the Emulator after it has booted. It will prompt you to install the zip and shutdown the device after that.
3. After having install the gapps boot up your Emulator again, it will show a dialog about optimizing newly installed packages.
4. Go to Settings > Accounts and Add a Google Account. Ignore all crashes.
5. After adding the Account, install the benzo-gapps-M-20151011-signed-chroma-r3.zip by dragging it onto your Emulator, like in step 2.
6. After rebooting after step 5. is done, you should now have working Play Services and Play Store on your Visual Studio Emulator for Android.

其他答案的最大问题之一是,如果人们发现糟糕的解决方法,他们就会停止寻找简单的解决方案。幸运的是,我在 Android.

的 Visual Studio 模拟器中找到了 gapps-lp-20150314 gapps 包,它可以与 10.1'' Marshmallow (6.0.0) Tablet 一起正常工作