是否可以 'throw away' 从输入流中读取值?

Is it possible to 'throw away' read value from input stream?


1 -0.004002415458937208 0.0035676328502415523
2 -0.004002415796209478 0.0035676331876702957


std::ifstream file(file_name);
double a, b;
for (lines) {
    //      | throwing away the first value by reading it to `a`
    file >> a >> a >> b;
    store(a, b);

我不确定这对其他人来说可读性如何,并且当数据结构未知时可能会被认为是错误。 我能否以某种方式让它看起来更明确,我真的想丢弃第一个读取值?


file >> double() >> a >> b; // I hoped I could create some r-value kind of thing and discard the data in there
file >> NULL >> a >> b;

您可以使用 std::istream::ignore.


file.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), ' '); //columns are separated with space so passing it as the delimiter.
file >> a >> b;

您可以使用 file::ignore(255, ' ') 忽略字符,直到下一个 space。

std::ifstream file(file_name);
double a, b;
for (lines) {
    //  skip first value until space
    file.ignore(255, ' ');
    file >> a >> b;
    store(a, b);


std::ifstream file(file_name);
double aux, a, b;
for (lines) {
    //  skip first value
    file >> aux >> a >> b;
    store(a, b);

如果您不想创建一个显式忽略的变量,并且您觉得通过调用操作流来显式忽略该值太冗长,您可以利用 operator>> 重载std::istream 接受一个 std::istream&(*)(std::istream&) 函数指针:

template <typename CharT>
std::basic_istream<CharT>& ignore(std::basic_istream<CharT>& in){
    std::string ignoredValue;
    return in >> ignoredValue;


std::cin >> ignore >> a >> b;


// default arguments to allow use of ignore without explicit type
template <typename T = std::string, typename CharT = char>
std::basic_istream<CharT>& ignore(std::basic_istream<CharT>& in){
    T ignoredValue;
    return in >> ignoredValue;


std::cin >> ignore >> a >> b;
// and
std::cin >> ignore<int> >> a >> b;

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