在一天中的特定时间有一份工作 运行,每天都有 Evernote 的 android-工作

Have a job run at certain time of day, everyday with Evernote's android-job

Evernote 的 android 工作 运行 是每天凌晨 1 点到 2 点之间的工作模式吗?

我认为在我的 Application.onCreateJob.onRunJob

// use the current time to see how long it will be until 1AM
long timeUntil1Am = getTimeUntil1Am(currentUnixTimeStamp);

new JobRequest.Builder(DemoSyncJob.TAG)
            .setExecutionWindow(timeUntil1Am, timeUntil1Am + 3600_000L)
            .setBackoffCriteria(5_000L, JobRequest.BackoffPolicy.EXPONENTIAL)

这将 运行 第一次在 ~1AM 从应用程序创建作业,然后使用 onRunJob 以菊花链方式连接下一个 运行 时间。

我认为这可行,但我担心该作业会被安排多次,因为每次构建 Application 时都会创建一个新作业。如果我知道工作已经安排好了,我可以避免这种情况,但不确定是否可能。

所以我的问题是使用这个菊花链是一个合理的模式,我如何避免 运行每天多次执行该作业?

我使用了类似于@CommonsWare 提到的常见问题解答中的模式的东西

为了让这更容易,我创建了一个包装器 class 来获得每日执行 window

Class 获取相对于当前时间的开始和结束时间

class DailyExecutionWindow {
    final long startMs;
    final long endMs;

     * Holds the start end time in ms for a job.
     * Will wrap around to next day if currentHour < targetHour.
     * If the current time is exactly now it will be forced to 60 seconds in the future.
     * @param currentHour - current currentHour
     * @param currentMinute - current currentMinute
     * @param targetHour - currentHour we want to start
     * @param targetMinute - currentMinute we want to start
     * @param windowLengthInMinutes - number of minutes for the execution window
    DailyExecutionWindow(int currentHour, int currentMinute, long targetHour, long targetMinute, long windowLengthInMinutes) {
        long hourOffset;
        long minuteOffset;

        if (targetHour == currentHour && targetMinute < currentMinute) {
            hourOffset = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(23);
        } else if (targetHour - currentHour == 1) { // if we are less then an hour ahead, but into the next hour
            // move forward to 0 minute of next hour
            hourOffset = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(60 - currentMinute);
            currentMinute = 0;
        } else if (targetHour >= currentHour) {
            hourOffset = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(targetHour - currentHour);
        } else {
            hourOffset = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis((24 + targetHour) - currentHour);

        if (targetMinute >= currentMinute) {
            minuteOffset = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(targetMinute - currentMinute);
        } else {
            minuteOffset = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis((60 + targetMinute) - currentMinute);

        this.startMs = Math.max(hourOffset + minuteOffset, 60000);
        this.endMs = this.startMs + TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(windowLengthInMinutes);



public class UpdateFeedsJob extends Job {

    public static final String TAG = UpdateFeedsJob.class.getName();
    private static final long TARGET_HOUR = 2L;
    private static final long TARGET_MINUTE = 15;
    private static final long WINDOW_LENGTH = 60;
    private static final int WAKE_LOCK_AWAIT_TIME_SECONDS = 60;

    // called in <MyApplication extends Application>.onCreate()
    public static void schedule() {

    private static void schedule(boolean updateCurrent) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);

        DailyExecutionWindow executionWindow =
                new DailyExecutionWindow(hour, minute, TARGET_HOUR, TARGET_MINUTE, WINDOW_LENGTH);

        new JobRequest.Builder(UpdateFeedsJob.TAG)
                .setExecutionWindow(executionWindow.startMs, executionWindow.endMs)

    protected Result onRunJob(Params params) {
        try {
            // ... do work
            return Result.SUCCESS;
        } finally {
        return Result.FAILURE;

您可以在我的 Podcast Player 应用程序中看到一个工作示例 on github

接受的答案中的示例看起来不错。请注意,版本 1.2.0 每天会有 helper class 到 运行 个作业。