如何在STM32L-Discovery ARM板上制作一个微秒级精度的定时器?

How to make a microsecond-precise timer on the STM32L-Discovery ARM board?

我正在尝试实施 Dallas OneWire 协议,但在 STM32l-Discovery 上生成微秒延迟时遇到问题。

我如何实现一个足够精确的定时器来将程序延迟 x 微秒?

首先我必须告诉你,使用软件无法实现精确的 usec 延迟。即使您使用基于中断的系统,您也会有延迟。当然,您可以使用更大的 CPU 频率获得更好的精度。

为了连接 1-Wire 器件,您可以使用:

  • DS2482-100
  • 这样的外部接口
  • 使用引脚轮询的软件单线实现。

对于第二种解决方案,您必须调用基于软件的延迟。您可以进行标志轮询延迟或基于中断的标志轮询延迟。在这两种情况下,您都可以确定已经过了一定的时间,但是您无法确定匹配的时间是如何过去的。这是因为 CPU 延迟,CPU 时钟等...

例如考虑以下实现。我们对 HW TIMER 进行编程以连续计数并检查 TIMER 的值。我们将每个 TIMER 的滴答声和 jiffies TIMERS 最大值之间的时间命名为 "jiffy":


// ...
#define  JF_TIM_VALUE         (TIM7->CNT)
int JF_setfreq (uint32_t jf_freq, uint32_t jiffies);
// ...


// ...
#include <stm32l1xx.h>
#include <misc.h>
#include <stm32l1xx_rcc.h>
#include <stm32l1xx_tim.h>
 * Time base configuration using the TIM7
 * \param jf_freq  The TIMER's frequency
 * \param jiffies  The TIMER's max count value
int JF_setfreq (uint32_t jf_freq, uint32_t jiffies) {
   uint32_t psc=0;

   RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM7, ENABLE);
   SystemCoreClockUpdate ();

   if (jf_freq)
      psc = (SystemCoreClock / jf_freq) - 1;

   if (psc < 0xFFFF)       TIM7->PSC = psc;
   else                    return 1;

   if (jiffies < 0xFFFF)   TIM7->ARR = jiffies;
   else                    return 1;
   TIM7->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_CEN;
   return 0;
// ...

具有一些延迟实现的中间件 jiffy 系统 jiffy.h:

#include "string.h"

typedef int32_t   jiffy_t;    // Jiffy type 4 byte integer
typedef int (*jf_setfreq_pt) (uint32_t, uint32_t);   //Pointer to setfreq function

typedef volatile struct {
   jf_setfreq_pt  setfreq;       // Pointer to driver's timer set freq function
   jiffy_t        *value;        // Pointer to timers current value
   uint32_t       freq;          // timer's  frequency
   uint32_t       jiffies;       // jiffies max value (timer's max value)
   jiffy_t        jpus;          // Variable for the delay function

 *  ============= PUBLIC jiffy API =============

 * Link functions
void jf_link_setfreq (jf_setfreq_pt pfun);
void jf_link_value (jiffy_t* v);

 * User Functions
void jf_deinit (void);
int jf_init (uint32_t jf_freq, uint32_t jiffies);

jiffy_t jf_per_usec (void);
void jf_delay_us (int32_t usec);
int jf_check_usec (int32_t usec);


#include "jiffy.h"

static jf_t _jf;
#define JF_MAX_TIM_VALUE      (0xFFFF)    // 16bit counters

//Connect the Driver's Set frequency function 
void jf_link_setfreq (jf_setfreq_pt pfun) {
   _jf.setfreq = pfun;

// Connect the timer's value to jiffy struct
void jf_link_value (jiffy_t* v) {
   _jf.value = v;

// De-Initialize the jf data and un-connect the functions
// from the driver
void jf_deinit (void) {
   memset ((void*)&_jf, 0, sizeof (jf_t));

// Initialise the jf to a desired jiffy frequency f
int jf_init (uint32_t jf_freq, uint32_t jiffies) {
   if (_jf.setfreq) {
      if ( _jf.setfreq (jf_freq, jiffies) )
         return 1;
      _jf.jiffies = jiffies;
      _jf.freq = jf_freq;
      _jf.jpus = jf_per_usec ();
      return 0;
   return 1;

// Return the systems best approximation for jiffies per usec
jiffy_t jf_per_usec (void) {
   jiffy_t jf = _jf.freq / 1000000;

   if (jf <= _jf.jiffies)
      return jf;
      // We can not count beyond timer's reload
      return 0;

 * \brief
 *    A code based delay implementation, using jiffies for timing.
 *    This is NOT accurate but it ensures that the time passed is always
 *    more than the requested value.
 *    The delay values are multiplications of 1 usec.
 * \param
 *    usec     Time in usec for delay
void jf_delay_us (int32_t usec) {
   jiffy_t m, m2, m1 = *_jf.value;

   usec *= _jf.jpus;
   if (*_jf.value - m1 > usec) // Very small delays will return here.

   // Delay loop: Eat the time difference from usec value.
   while (usec>0) {
      m2 = *_jf.value;
      m = m2 - m1;
      usec -= (m>0) ? m : _jf.jiffies + m;
      m1 = m2;

 * \brief
 *    A code based polling version delay implementation, using jiffies for timing.
 *    This is NOT accurate but it ensures that the time passed is always
 *    more than the requested value.
 *    The delay values are multiplications of 1 usec.
 * \param
 *    usec     Time in usec for delay
 int jf_check_usec (int32_t usec) {
   static jiffy_t m1=-1, cnt;
   jiffy_t m, m2;

   if (m1 == -1) {
      m1 = *_jf.value;
      cnt = _jf.jpus * usec;

   if (cnt>0) {
      m2 = *_jf.value;
      m = m2-m1;
      cnt-= (m>0) ? m : _jf.jiffies + m;
      m1 = m2;
      return 1;   // wait
   else {
      m1 = -1;
      return 0;   // do not wait any more


所以现在您可以像这样在您的应用程序中使用它: main.c:

#include "driver.h"
#include "jiffy.h"

void do_some_job1 (void) {
   // job 1
void do_some_job2 (void) {
   // job 2
int main (void) {
   jf_link_setfreq ((jf_setfreq_pt)JF_setfreq);  // link with driver
   jf_link_value ((jiffy_t*)&JF_TIM_VALUE);
   jf_init (1000000, 1000);  // 1MHz timer, 1000 counts, 1 usec per count

   // use delay version
   do_some_job1 ();
   jf_delay_us (300);  // wait for at least 300 usec
   do_some_job1 ();

   // use polling version
   do_some_job1 ();
   while (jf_check_usec (300)) {
      do_some_job2 ();  // keep calling for at least 300 usec