App Store 是否会从 IPA 中删除架构?

Does the App Store remove architectures from an IPA?

由于 announcement by Apple App Store 分发的所有应用程序都需要 64 位支持,因此我不得不构建多架构胖二进制文件,这会增加生成的 IPA 的大小。这种大小的增加是否会直接影响我的用户,或者 App Store 是否会在下载到设备时从包含胖二进制文件的 IPA 中删除不相关的架构?

他们目前似乎没有这样做,因为 that feature was announced for iOS 9

Slicing is the process of creating and delivering variants of the app bundle for different target devices. A variant contains only the executable architecture and resources that are needed for the target device. You continue to develop and upload full versions of your app to iTunes Connect. The App Store will create and deliver different variants based on the devices your app supports.