在 Slick 3 的单个事务中更新多行。1.x
Updating multiple rows in a single transaction in Slick 3.1.x
假设 table table1
具有三列 col1
和 col3
。另外,假设我需要根据 col2
的值更新 col1
。例如,使用以下 SQL 语句
update table1 set col1=111 where col2=222
假设我必须更新 1000 次 table1
并且我有以下信息 Seq
case class Table1 (col1: Int, col2: Int, col3: Int)
val list = Seq(Table1(111,222,333),Table1(111,333,444), .... )
在 Slick 3.1.x 中更新 1000 行的最佳方法是什么?是否可以 运行 使用 foreach
val action = table1.foreach(....)
您可以使用 DBIO.sequence
db.run(DBIO.sequence(list.map(l => ???)))
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import slick.driver.H2Driver.api._
object main {
// The class and corresponding table
case class Thing (id: String, col1: Int, col2: Int)
class Things(tag: Tag) extends Table[Thing](tag, "things") {
def id = column[String]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
def col1 = column[Int]("col1")
def col2 = column[Int]("col2")
def * = (id, col1, col2) <> ((Thing.apply _).tupled, Thing.unapply)
val things = TableQuery[Things]
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val db = Database.forConfig("h2mem1")
try {
// Create schema
Await.result(db.run(things.schema.create), Duration.Inf)
// Insert some things for testing
things += Thing("id4", 111, 111),
things += Thing("id5", 222, 222),
things += Thing("id6", 333, 333)
)), Duration.Inf)
// List of things to update
val list = Seq(Thing("id1", 111, 112), Thing("id2", 222, 223), Thing("id3", 333, 334))
// ----- The part you care about is here -----
// Create a list of Actions to update
val actions = DBIO.sequence(list.map(current => {
// Whatever it is you want to do here
things.filter(_.col1 === current.col1).update(current)
// Run the actions
Await.result(db.run(actions), Duration.Inf).value
// Print out the results
val results = Await.result(db.run(things.result), Duration.Inf)
finally db.close
输出具有更新的 col2
Vector(Thing(id1,111,112), Thing(id2,222,223), Thing(id3,333,334))
假设 table table1
具有三列 col1
和 col3
。另外,假设我需要根据 col2
的值更新 col1
。例如,使用以下 SQL 语句
update table1 set col1=111 where col2=222
假设我必须更新 1000 次 table1
并且我有以下信息 Seq
case class Table1 (col1: Int, col2: Int, col3: Int)
val list = Seq(Table1(111,222,333),Table1(111,333,444), .... )
在 Slick 3.1.x 中更新 1000 行的最佳方法是什么?是否可以 运行 使用 foreach
val action = table1.foreach(....)
您可以使用 DBIO.sequence
db.run(DBIO.sequence(list.map(l => ???)))
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import slick.driver.H2Driver.api._
object main {
// The class and corresponding table
case class Thing (id: String, col1: Int, col2: Int)
class Things(tag: Tag) extends Table[Thing](tag, "things") {
def id = column[String]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
def col1 = column[Int]("col1")
def col2 = column[Int]("col2")
def * = (id, col1, col2) <> ((Thing.apply _).tupled, Thing.unapply)
val things = TableQuery[Things]
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val db = Database.forConfig("h2mem1")
try {
// Create schema
Await.result(db.run(things.schema.create), Duration.Inf)
// Insert some things for testing
things += Thing("id4", 111, 111),
things += Thing("id5", 222, 222),
things += Thing("id6", 333, 333)
)), Duration.Inf)
// List of things to update
val list = Seq(Thing("id1", 111, 112), Thing("id2", 222, 223), Thing("id3", 333, 334))
// ----- The part you care about is here -----
// Create a list of Actions to update
val actions = DBIO.sequence(list.map(current => {
// Whatever it is you want to do here
things.filter(_.col1 === current.col1).update(current)
// Run the actions
Await.result(db.run(actions), Duration.Inf).value
// Print out the results
val results = Await.result(db.run(things.result), Duration.Inf)
finally db.close
输出具有更新的 col2
Vector(Thing(id1,111,112), Thing(id2,222,223), Thing(id3,333,334))