使用 Google 脚本在 Gmail 中插入带有超链接的文本?

Insert text with hyperlink in Gmail with Google Script?

我正在尝试发送带有附件和附件 URL 的电子邮件。电子邮件正文如下所示:






  function sendEmailTest() {
  //test send email.
  // Send an email with an attachment: a file from Google Drive.
    var file = DocumentApp.openById(file2.getId());
    var ssUrl = 'URL_BUFFERED';
    var sheetName = 'Sheet1';   // name of sheet to use
    var rangeName = 'C30';    // range of values to include 
    var dateRange = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(ssUrl)

  // Name of Google file to attach.
    var file2 = file.makeCopy('Weekly Agenda | '+dateRange);

  // Set Agenda URL.
    var theBody = GmailApp.openById(file2.getId()).getBody();
    var elementReplaced = theBody.replaceText("%toReplace%", "agendaURL");

  //Send email.
        MailApp.sendEmail('who@whowantstoknow.com', file2, 'Hi Everyone- \n Here\'s the ' +agendaURL+'agenda for tomorrow
                   's meeting. \n See you in the morning! \n-John Doe', {
        name: 'Automatic Emailer Script',
        attachments: [file.getAs(file2)] });

在电子邮件中插入超链接需要以 HTML 格式发送电子邮件,而不是像现在这样以纯文本格式发送。将 sendEmail 调用的语法更改为 sendEmail(Object),其中参数是一个包含您的消息的 htmlBody 字段的对象。像这样:

var message = {
  to: "recipient@example.com",
  subject: "Weekly Agenda | " + dateRange,
  htmlBody: "Hi Everyone-\n Here's the <a href='" + agendaURL + ''">agenda</a> for tomorrow's meeting.\n See you in the morning!\n-John Doe", 
  name: "Automatic Emailer Script",
  attachments: [file2.getAs(MimeType.PDF)]


我发现 HTML 中建议使用 GAS 发送电子邮件。 zaq 在我找到重写代码的更好方法后立即发布了他的答案。谢谢扎克!这是我的工作代码:

    var emailTo = 'totheuniverse@omnipresence.com';
    var subject = "Weekly Agenda | " +dateRange;
    var options = {}
    options.htmlBody = "Hi Everyone-" +'<br />'+'<br />'+ "Here\'s the " + '<a href=\"' +agendaURL+ '">agenda</a>' + " for tomorrow\
's meeting." +'<br />'+'<br />'+ "See you in the morning!" +'<br />'+'<br />'+ "-John Doe";
    options.attachment = [file];
    MailApp.sendEmail(emailTo, subject, '', options);

我已将邮件正文直接放在我的 sheet 上,并且我使用了以下代码来调整上述逻辑。与所有觉得有用的人分享,

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHIwETgynFw&feature=youtu.be">click here</a>