
Why is this quoted tweet pointing to itself?

我正在使用 Twitter API 检索推文,我这样做: 我检查他们是否有 quoted_status,然后我替换 url_info->url 中的 URL,它在 url_info->expanded_url 中有 tweet_data->quoted_status->id_str。这样,我知道 URL 是引用的推文之一,我可以恢复数据并将其显示在下面。


stdClass Object
[created_at] => Wed Dec 14 08:30:32 +0000 2016
[id] => 8.0895229853789E+17
[id_str] => 808952298537885696
[text] => Volem felicitar al Centre d'Estudis Montseny, guanyadors d'aquest concurs, i a @stlisieux, que han estat finalistes… 'shortened_url'/CGqkTNPPB1
[truncated] => 1
[entities] => stdClass Object
        [hashtags] => Array

        [symbols] => Array

        [user_mentions] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [screen_name] => stlisieux
                        [name] => Col·legi ST Lisieux
                        [id] => 3064329677
                        [id_str] => 3064329677
                        [indices] => Array
                                [0] => 79
                                [1] => 89



        [urls] => Array
                [0] => stdClass Object
                        [url] => 'shortened_url'CGqkTNPPB1
                        [expanded_url] => https://twitter.com/i/web/status/808952298537885696
                        [display_url] => twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
                        [indices] => Array
                                [0] => 117
                                [1] => 140




[source] => Twitter Web Client
[in_reply_to_status_id] => 
[in_reply_to_status_id_str] => 
[in_reply_to_user_id] => 
[in_reply_to_user_id_str] => 
[in_reply_to_screen_name] => 
[user] => stdClass Object
        [id] => 493037120
        [id_str] => 493037120
        [name] => Clickedu
        [screen_name] => Clickedu
        [location] => España
        [description] => La plataforma para colegios e institutos. | La plataforma per a escoles i instituts. 'shortened_url'/NBZbqw7Qpn
        [url] => 'shortened_url'/00a8v8WUv5
        [entities] => stdClass Object
                [url] => stdClass Object
                        [urls] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [url] => 'shortened_url'/00a8v8WUv5
                                        [expanded_url] => http://www.clickartedu.com/
                                        [display_url] => clickartedu.com
                                        [indices] => Array
                                                [0] => 0
                                                [1] => 22




                [description] => stdClass Object
                        [urls] => Array
                                [0] => stdClass Object
                                        [url] => 'shortened_url'/NBZbqw7Qpn
                                        [expanded_url] => http://www.clickedu.eu
                                        [display_url] => clickedu.eu
                                        [indices] => Array
                                                [0] => 85
                                                [1] => 107





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[geo] => 
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[is_quote_status] => 1
[quoted_status_id] => 8.0870805032451E+17
[quoted_status_id_str] => 808708050324508672
[quoted_status] => stdClass Object
        [created_at] => Tue Dec 13 16:19:58 +0000 2016
        [id] => 8.0870805032451E+17
        [id_str] => 808708050324508672
        [text] => Així és com veuen l’ictus els alumnes del Centre d’Estudis Montseny, que han guanyat el 18è concurs Pinta La Marató… 'shortened_url'/tts4uGmKWy
        [truncated] => 1
        [entities] => stdClass Object
                [hashtags] => Array

                [symbols] => Array

                [user_mentions] => Array

                [urls] => Array
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                                [url] => 'shortened_url'/tts4uGmKWy
                                [expanded_url] => https://twitter.com/i/web/status/808708050324508672
                                [display_url] => twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
                                [indices] => Array
                                        [0] => 117
                                        [1] => 140




        [source] => Twitter Web Client
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                [name] => La Marató
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                [description] => El 18 de desembre La Marató fa 25 anys amb un programa dedicat a l'ictus i les lesions medul·lars i cerebrals traumà tiques.
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                                                [url] => 'shortened_url'/iCXlb20x3w
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                                                [display_url] => tv3.cat/marato/
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                        [description] => stdClass Object
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[retweet_count] => 2
[favorite_count] => 2
[favorited] => 
[retweeted] => 
[possibly_sensitive] => 
[lang] => und

在这里,[expanded_url] => https://twitter.com/i/web/status/808952298537885696 指向推文本身,而不是像往常一样指向引用的推文。

这常见吗? 我如何在引用的推文中 link 缩短文本正文中的 URL ?我看不出它们之间有任何联系,所以我不知道如何替换推文内容的 link,因为我不知道如何区分引用的推文 URL 和其他 URL可能在推文中。

由于此推文中的 truncated 值为 true (1),这表明您正在查看扩展的推文。您可以在 Twitter 开发人员 Upcoming Changes to Tweets 文档中阅读有关新推文格式的更多信息。如果您使用 tweet_mode=extended 选项,您将能够检索完整的推文,而不会将 link 嵌入推文的网络版本。