无法在 RMarkdown 中使用 ROC 抑制回声

Unable to suppress echo with ROC in RMarkdown

尽管在代码块中将 echo 设置为 FALSE,但我无法抑制 roc 命令(pROC 包)的回显。 roc 命令将 "call" 和 "data" 行输出到 pdf。谁能帮我弄清楚如何关闭它?

title: "ROC echo"
output: pdf_document

```{r,echo=F,warning=F,message=F, comment=NA, results='asis',fig.width=10}
iris$setosa <- ifelse(iris$Species=="setosa","setosa","not setosa") 
iris.roc <- roc(setosa ~ Sepal.Width,data =iris)

注意echo只影响根据knitr documentation打印源代码,不影响R命令的输出:

echo: (TRUE; logical or numeric) whether to include R source code in the output file;

你真正想要的是 results='hide' 而不是 'asis':

results: ('markup'; character) takes these possible values

  • (...)
  • asis: output as-is, i.e., write raw results from R into the output document
  • (...)
  • hide hide results; this option only applies to normal R output (not warnings, messages or errors)