quantmod:无法使用 OHLC 为股票生成每日 returns
quantmod : can't generate daily returns for stock using OHLC
我正在尝试通过使用一个 BDH 拉动获得每日 returns,但我似乎无法让它工作。我考虑过使用 quantmod 的 periodreturn 函数,但无济于事。我想填充 PctChg 列,非常感谢任何帮助。
GetReturns <- function(ticker, calctype, voldays) {
check.numeric <- function(N){
!length(grep("[^[:digit:]]", as.character(N)))}
isnumber <- function(x) is.numeric(x) & !is.na(x)
startdate <- Sys.Date()-20
enddate <- Sys.Date()
GetData <- BBGPull <- bdh(paste(ticker," US EQUITY"), c("Open","High","Low","PX_Last"), startdate, enddate,
include.non.trading.days = FALSE, options = NULL, overrides = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, identity = NULL, con = defaultConnection())
##Clean Up Columns and Remove Ticker
colnames(GetData) <- c("Date","Open","High","Low","Close")
GetData[,"PctChg"] <- "RETURN" ##Hoping to populate this column with returns
我不喜欢使用 quantmod,甚至会使用 LN(T/T-1),但我只是不确定如何添加包含此数据的列。谢谢 !
您错过了(重要的)事实,即 bdh()
仍然 returns 需要首先转换的 data.frame 对象:
R> library(Rblpapi)
Rblpapi version 0.3.5 using Blpapi headers and run-time
Please respect the Bloomberg licensing agreement and terms of service.
R> spy <- bdh("SPY US EQUITY", c("Open","High","Low","PX_Last"), \
+ Sys.Date()-10, Sys.Date())
R> class(spy)
[1] "data.frame"
R> head(spy)
date Open High Low PX_Last
1 2016-12-05 220.65 221.400 220.420 221.00
2 2016-12-06 221.22 221.744 220.662 221.70
3 2016-12-07 221.52 224.670 221.380 224.60
4 2016-12-08 224.57 225.700 224.260 225.15
5 2016-12-09 225.41 226.530 225.370 226.51
6 2016-12-12 226.40 226.960 225.760 226.25
R> sx <- xts(spy[, -1], order.by=spy[,1])
R> colnames(sx)[4] <- "Close" ## important
R> sxret <- diff(log(Cl(sx)))
R> head(sxret)
2016-12-05 NA
2016-12-06 0.00316242
2016-12-07 0.01299593
2016-12-08 0.00244580
2016-12-09 0.00602225
2016-12-12 -0.00114851
R> sxret <- ClCl(sx) ## equivalent shorthand using quantmod
这也使用包 xts 和 quantmod 而不显式加载它们。
我正在尝试通过使用一个 BDH 拉动获得每日 returns,但我似乎无法让它工作。我考虑过使用 quantmod 的 periodreturn 函数,但无济于事。我想填充 PctChg 列,非常感谢任何帮助。
GetReturns <- function(ticker, calctype, voldays) {
check.numeric <- function(N){
!length(grep("[^[:digit:]]", as.character(N)))}
isnumber <- function(x) is.numeric(x) & !is.na(x)
startdate <- Sys.Date()-20
enddate <- Sys.Date()
GetData <- BBGPull <- bdh(paste(ticker," US EQUITY"), c("Open","High","Low","PX_Last"), startdate, enddate,
include.non.trading.days = FALSE, options = NULL, overrides = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, identity = NULL, con = defaultConnection())
##Clean Up Columns and Remove Ticker
colnames(GetData) <- c("Date","Open","High","Low","Close")
GetData[,"PctChg"] <- "RETURN" ##Hoping to populate this column with returns
我不喜欢使用 quantmod,甚至会使用 LN(T/T-1),但我只是不确定如何添加包含此数据的列。谢谢 !
您错过了(重要的)事实,即 bdh()
仍然 returns 需要首先转换的 data.frame 对象:
R> library(Rblpapi)
Rblpapi version 0.3.5 using Blpapi headers and run-time
Please respect the Bloomberg licensing agreement and terms of service.
R> spy <- bdh("SPY US EQUITY", c("Open","High","Low","PX_Last"), \
+ Sys.Date()-10, Sys.Date())
R> class(spy)
[1] "data.frame"
R> head(spy)
date Open High Low PX_Last
1 2016-12-05 220.65 221.400 220.420 221.00
2 2016-12-06 221.22 221.744 220.662 221.70
3 2016-12-07 221.52 224.670 221.380 224.60
4 2016-12-08 224.57 225.700 224.260 225.15
5 2016-12-09 225.41 226.530 225.370 226.51
6 2016-12-12 226.40 226.960 225.760 226.25
R> sx <- xts(spy[, -1], order.by=spy[,1])
R> colnames(sx)[4] <- "Close" ## important
R> sxret <- diff(log(Cl(sx)))
R> head(sxret)
2016-12-05 NA
2016-12-06 0.00316242
2016-12-07 0.01299593
2016-12-08 0.00244580
2016-12-09 0.00602225
2016-12-12 -0.00114851
R> sxret <- ClCl(sx) ## equivalent shorthand using quantmod
这也使用包 xts 和 quantmod 而不显式加载它们。