如果不存在则更新或创建 Mongo 3.0.4

Update or create if not exist Mongo 3.0.4


{ "Shop": "123", "date": "28-05-2015", "Points": { "a": "1", "b": "2", "c": "3" } }

这里的 shop 和 date 有唯一的索引,除了 _id 没有其他 id, 因此,如果我只想更新 b 的值并且记录匹配(基于帐户和日期)不存在,那么应该创建与 b 的值具有相同结构的新记录。 最重要的部分是它的批量操作意味着我需要 create/update 每天为所有商店记录,这些记录将每天为每个商店创建。因此,如果记录不存在,则更新点而不是创建它,否则更新现有记录。我正在使用 spring 。 我尝试使用 update with upsert true 但它不是更新而是创建一个只有更新值的新记录。用给定的更新点更新多个商店的最佳方法是什么。

//search a document that doesn't exist
Query query = new Query();
query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("points.b").is("some value"));

Update update = new Update();
update.set("b", some value);
update.set..... //set all needed fields else they go as null

mongoOperation.upsert(query, update, Shop.class);

Shop shopTestObj = mongoOperation.findOne(query, Shop.class);
System.out.println("shopTestObj - " + shopTestObj );


// Sample code
com.mongodb.DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("shop");

// Get  BulkWriteOperation by accessing the mongodb com.mongodb.DBCollection class on mycol //Collection

BulkWriteOperation  bulkWriteOperation= collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();

//perform the upsert  operation in the loop to add objects for bulk execution 
for (int i=0;i<100;i++)
// get a bulkWriteRequestBuilder by issuing find on the shop with _id
BulkWriteRequestBuilder bulkWriteRequestBuilder=bulkWriteOperation.find(new BasicDBObject('_id',Integer.valueOf(i)));

// get hold of upsert operation from bulkWriteRequestBuilder
BulkUpdateRequestBuilder updateReq=              bulkWriteRequestBuilder?.upsert()

updateReq. replaceOne (new BasicDBObject("_id",Integer.valueOf(i)).append("points.b", "some value"));

// execute bulk operation on shop collection
BulkWriteResult result=bulkWriteOperation.execute();