在 Java 中使用递归的字符串排列

String permutations using recursion in Java

我遇到了 THIS post,它非常努力地解释打印所有字符串的递归解决方案。

public class Main {
    private static void permutation(String prefix, String str) {
        int n = str.length();
        if (n == 0)
        else {
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                permutation(prefix + str.charAt(i),
                        str.substring(0, i) + str.substring(i + 1));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        permutation("", "ABCD");

但是当我们开始从堆栈中弹出时,我仍然无法得到这个部分。例如,递归一直进行到 permutation("ABCD",""),其中满足基本情况并打印 ABCD。但是现在发生了什么?我们从函数调用堆栈中弹出 permutation("ABC","D")。我们用这个做什么等等?



更简单的示例:permutation("", "ABC"),将空字符串表示为 *:

* ABC + A BC + AB C - ABC *
      |      |
      |      ` AC B - ACB *
      + B AC + BA C - BAC *
      |      |
      |      ` BC A - BCA *
      ` C AB + CA B - CAB *
             ` CB A - CBA *

请注意,这看起来像是一棵侧放的树。确实,它叫做一棵树。当我们启动时,会进入("A", "BC")状态;我们继续调用 ("AB", "C"),最后调用 ("ABC", "")。在这里我们打印我们的输出。然后我们记得我们还有未完成的事情,我们return来一个循环,但是上一层的循环只有一个循环。所以我们也在那里完成了,return 回到了 ("A", "BC") 水平; "BC" 中有两个元素,我们只完成了 "B",所以现在轮到 "C":我们调用 ("AC", "B"),然后调用 ("ACB", "") ].现在 ("A", "BC") 下的所有循环都完成了......但是等等,还有工作要做!因为 ("", "ABC") 还有两个字母要处理。就这样,一个分支一个分支,我们通常称之为 "depth-first search".

每一层都有一个循环。循环缩小了(我们在左边的粗分支中迭代了 3 次,然后在下一级迭代了 2 次,然后只有一次)但仍然存在循环。因此,我们总共进行了 n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) * ... * 2 * 1 次迭代。 O(N!)?

作为一种递归,可以使用Stream.reduce方法。首先为每个 character-position 准备一个 list 可能的字符组合,然后连续 reduce通过对列表元素对求和,将这些列表流化为单个列表。

作为列表元素,可以使用Map<Integer,String>,其中key-字符在字符串中的位置,value - 字符本身,并对这些映射的内容求和,不包括那些已经存在的 keys


比如你有一个四字串</code>,那么你要经过<em>归约</em>三个步骤,连续累加结果:</p> <div class="s-table-container"> <table class="s-table"> <thead> <tr> <th>str1 + str2 = sum1</th> <th>sum1 + str3 = sum2</th> <th>sum2 + str4 = total</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><pre> + = <br> + = <br> + = </pre></td> <td><pre> + = <br> + = <br> + = <br> + = <br> + = <br> + = </pre></td> <td><pre> + = <br> + = <br> + = <br> + = <br> + = <br> + = </pre></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p><code>15 每个 4 字符的总和是 60 总和,导致 4! = 24 排列。

Try it online!

// original string
String str = "";
// array of characters of the string
int[] codePoints = str.codePoints().toArray();
// contents of the array
//[120276, 120277, 120278, 120279]
// list of permutations of characters
List<Map<Integer, String>> permutations = IntStream.range(0, codePoints.length)
        // Stream<List<Map<Integer,String>>>
        .mapToObj(i -> IntStream.range(0, codePoints.length)
                // represent each character as Map<Integer,String>
                .mapToObj(j -> Map.of(j, Character.toString(codePoints[j])))
                // collect a list of maps
        // intermediate output
        //[{0=}, {1=}, {2=}, {3=}]
        //[{0=}, {1=}, {2=}, {3=}]
        //[{0=}, {1=}, {2=}, {3=}]
        //[{0=}, {1=}, {2=}, {3=}]
        // reduce a stream of lists to a single list
        .reduce((list1, list2) -> list1.stream()
                // summation of pairs of maps from two lists
                .flatMap(map1 -> list2.stream()
                        // filter out those keys that are already present
                        .filter(map2 -> map2.keySet().stream()
                        // join entries of two maps
                        .map(map2 -> new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>() {{
                // collect into a single list
        // List<Map<Integer,String>>
        .orElse(List.of(Map.of(0, str)));
// number of permutations
System.out.println(permutations.size()); // 24

// number of rows (factorial of string length - 1)
int rows = IntStream.range(1, codePoints.length)
        .reduce((a, b) -> a * b).orElse(1);

// column-wise output
IntStream.range(0, rows)
        .mapToObj(i -> IntStream.range(0, permutations.size())
                .filter(j -> j % rows == i)
                .map(map -> map.toString().replace(" ", ""))
                .collect(Collectors.joining(" ")))
//{0=,1=,2=,3=} {1=,0=,2=,3=} {2=,0=,1=,3=} {3=,0=,1=,2=}
//{0=,1=,3=,2=} {1=,0=,3=,2=} {2=,0=,3=,1=} {3=,0=,2=,1=}
//{0=,2=,1=,3=} {1=,2=,0=,3=} {2=,1=,0=,3=} {3=,1=,0=,2=}
//{0=,2=,3=,1=} {1=,2=,3=,0=} {2=,1=,3=,0=} {3=,1=,2=,0=}
//{0=,3=,1=,2=} {1=,3=,0=,2=} {2=,3=,0=,1=} {3=,2=,0=,1=}
//{0=,3=,2=,1=} {1=,3=,2=,0=} {2=,3=,1=,0=} {3=,2=,1=,0=}


您可以使用 mapreduce 方法生成字符串排列数组。

此解决方案假定原始字符串不包含重复字符,否则应使用 排列映射 Map<Integer,String> 而不是 排列数组 String[].

reduce 方法采用一对 排列数组 并将它们的元素 成对 相加,累加结果。例如5个字符的字符串</code>:</p>的四步归约 <pre><code>0 [, , , , ] 1 [, , , , ] --- sum1: [, , , , ...] 2 [, , , , ] --- sum2: [, , , ...] 3 [, , , , ] --- sum3: [, , ...] 4 [, , , , ] --- total: [, , ...]

Try it online!

// original string
String str = "";
// array of characters of the string
int[] codePoints = str.codePoints().toArray();
String[] permutations = IntStream.range(0, codePoints.length)
        // intermediate output, character-position
        .peek(i -> System.out.print(i + " "))
        // prepare an array of possible permutations for each character-position
        .mapToObj(i -> Arrays.stream(codePoints).mapToObj(Character::toString)
                // array of characters as strings
        // intermediate output, array of possible permutations
        .peek(arr -> System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(arr)))
        // reduce a stream of arrays to a single array
        .reduce((arr1, arr2) -> Arrays.stream(arr1)
                // summation of pairs of strings from two arrays
                .flatMap(str1 -> Arrays.stream(arr2)
                        // filter out those characters that are already present
                        .filter(str2 -> !str1.contains(str2))
                        // concatenate two strings
                        .map(str2 -> str1 + str2))
                // collect into a single array
        // otherwise an empty array
        .orElse(new String[0]);
// final output
System.out.println("Number of permutations: " + permutations.length);
// number of rows
int rows = permutations.length / 10;
// permutations by columns
IntStream.range(0, rows).forEach(i -> System.out.println(
        IntStream.range(0, permutations.length)
                .filter(j -> j % rows == i)
                .mapToObj(j -> permutations[j])
                .collect(Collectors.joining(" "))));


0 [, , , , ]
1 [, , , , ]
2 [, , , , ]
3 [, , , , ]
4 [, , , , ]


Number of permutations: 120