在 Gherkin 中分组步骤或连接场景

Grouping steps or concatenating scenarios in Gherkin

我正在使用 Behat or Cucumber, using the Gherkin 语言等工具定义要在 BDD 工作流程中使用的功能。这是到目前为止的特征定义:

Feature: Save Resource
    In order to keep interesting resources that I want to view later
    As a user
    I need to be able to save new resources

    Scenario: Saving a new resource
        Given "http://google.com" is a valid link
        When I insert "http://google.com" as the new resource link
        And I insert "Google Search Engine" as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should have 1 additional resource with the inserted link and title

    Scenario: Aborting saving a new resource
        Given "http://google.com" is a valid link
        When I insert "http://google.com" as the new resource link
        And I insert anything as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I abort
        Then I should have the same number of resources as before

    Scenario: Saving a resource with invalid link
        Given "http://invalid.link" is an invalid link
        When I insert "http://invalid.link" as the new resource link
        And I insert anything as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should see an error message telling me that the inserted link is invalid

    Scenario: Saving a resource with already saved link
        Given "http://google.com" is an already saved link
        When I insert "http://google.com" as the new resource link
        And I insert anything as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should see an error message telling me that the inserted link already exists

如您所见,在多个场景中重复了很多样板文件。我知道我可以定义一个 Background ,其中包含在所有场景之前要执行的步骤列表,我可以将所有步骤放在确认消息之前,但是如果我这样做,我将无法区分在用户可能插入的不同链接和标题中。

是否可以定义一个仅用于某些场景而不是所有场景的背景?或者可能连接两个场景,例如要求某个场景(我可以重复使用)在另一个场景之前是 运行?还是我应该继续重复样板文件?


导航详细信息对于理解系统应该做什么并不是很有用。这是一个众所周知的初学者错误,如 [1] 中所述并转录于 [2]。

您要做的是将 UI 详细信息压入堆栈。导航详细信息在您实施的步骤使用的助手 methods/classes 中生活得更好。页面对象是从场景中隐藏导航的一种方式。



[1] https://cucumber.io/blog/2016/05/09/cucumber-antipatterns

[2] http://www.thinkcode.se/blog/2016/06/22/cucumber-antipatterns

继 Thomas 的回答后

您的方案复杂且重复,因为每次它们描述 'how' 用户都与应用程序交互。 'How' 在场景中没有位置,因为

  1. 随着您对自己正在做的事情了解得更多,您做事方式的细节可能会发生变化。您不希望每次更改操作细节时都必须更改场景

  2. 在您的场景中添加内容会使它们变得无聊、重复、难以阅读且实施起来成本高昂。

  3. 描述你的场景通常是一种避免做场景的实际工作的方法,即找出'why'你正在做的事情并优雅和简洁地定义'what'您正在努力实现。




Scenario: Saving a new resource
    Given "http://google.com" is a valid link
    When I insert "http://google.com" as the new resource link
    And I insert "Google Search Engine" as the new resource title
    Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
    When I accept
    Then I should have 1 additional resource with the inserted link and title


Scenario: Bookmarking
  When I save a bookmark
  Then my bookmark should be saved


Scenario: Saving a resource with invalid link
  Given "http://invalid.link" is an invalid link
  When I insert "http://invalid.link" as the new resource link
  And I insert anything as the new resource title
  Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
  When I accept
  Then I should see an error message telling me that the inserted link is invalid


Scenario: Bookmark with invalid link
  When I bookmark with an invalid link
  Then I should see an invalid link error



关于您关于背景的问题,如果您需要两个不同的背景,您需要两个不同的 .feature 文件。这是好事!!