如何使用 ava 的 t.throws 来测试 returns 一个 Promise 的函数的错误消息?

How can I use ava's t.throws to test the error message of a function that returns a Promise?

我有一个 returns Promise 函数。我想为它创建一个测试,要求它用特定的错误消息拒绝它才能通过。


import test from 'ava';

const returnsPromise = () => Promise.reject(new Error('foo'));

const awaitsPromise = async () => {
  await Promise.reject(new Error('foo'));

test('for comparison, t.throws works with this syntax (this passes)', async t => {
  const error = await t.throws(Promise.reject(new Error('foo')));
  t.is(error.message, 'foo');

test('throws works with functions that return promises (this fails)', async t => {
  const error = await t.throws(returnsPromise);
  t.is(error.message, 'foo');

test('throws works with async functions that await promises (this fails)', async t => {
  const error = await t.throws(awaitsPromise);
  t.is(error.message, 'foo');

作为参考,第一个测试的代码是从这个 GitHub 评论中复制的:https://github.com/avajs/ava/issues/1120#issuecomment-261783315

当 运行 与 ava --verbose(版本 0.17.0)时,它给出以下输出:

❯ ava --verbose test/promise.js

  √ for comparison, t.throws works with this syntax (this passes)
  × throws works with functions that return promises (this fails) Missing expected exception..
  × throws works with async functions that await promises (this fails) Missing expected exception..
Unhandled Rejection: test\promise.js
  Error: foo
    returnsPromise (test/promise.js:3:45)
    _tryBlock (node_modules/core-assert/index.js:311:5)
    _throws (node_modules/core-assert/index.js:330:12)
    Function.assert.throws (node_modules/core-assert/index.js:360:3)
    Test.<anonymous> (test/promise.js:15:25)
    Test.__dirname [as fn] (test/promise.js:14:1)

Unhandled Rejection: test\promise.js
  Error: foo
    awaitsPromise (test/promise.js:5:7)
    _tryBlock (node_modules/core-assert/index.js:311:5)
    _throws (node_modules/core-assert/index.js:330:12)
    Function.assert.throws (node_modules/core-assert/index.js:360:3)
    Test.<anonymous> (test/promise.js:20:25)
    Test.__dirname [as fn] (test/promise.js:19:1)

  2 tests failed [16:55:55]
  2 unhandled rejections

  1. throws works with functions that return promises (this fails)
  AssertionError: Missing expected exception..
    Test.<anonymous> (test/promise.js:15:25)
    Test.__dirname [as fn] (test/promise.js:14:1)

  2. throws works with async functions that await promises (this fails)
  AssertionError: Missing expected exception..
    Test.<anonymous> (test/promise.js:20:25)
    Test.__dirname [as fn] (test/promise.js:19:1)


如何使用 t.throws 来测试 returns Promise 函数的错误消息?


test('...', async t => {
    const error = await t.throws(<Promise>);
    t.is(error.message, '...');


test('...', async t => {
    const error = await t.throws(<Function>);
    t.is(error.message, '...');

尝试调用函数并将返回的任何内容传递给 t.throws()

例如。 :

test('throws works with functions that return promises (this fails)', async t => {
    const error = await t.throws(returnsPromise());
    t.is(error.message, 'foo');

你可以向 t.throws 传递一个 promise 并立即检查错误消息。

const foo = Promise.reject(new Error('hello world'));

test(async t => {
    await t.throws(foo, 'hello world');


test('throws works with functions that return promises', async t => {
    await t.throws(returnsPromise(), 'foo');

我知道这已经很老了,但是如果有人像我一样偶然发现这个,Ava 现在有一个 built in method throwsAsync 来处理这个:

test('throws', async t => {
    await t.throwsAsync(async () => {
        throw new TypeError('');
    }, {instanceOf: TypeError, message: ''});