预期类型“...”定义在...... Ada 中的错误

expected type "..." defined at ....... error in Ada


   procedure Karatsuba (Factor_1, Factor_2 : in Number; Product : out Number) is
      m : Integer;
      m2 : Integer;
      low1 : Number := (0,1);
      high1 : Number := (0,1);
      low2 : Number := (0,1);
      high2 : Number := (0,1);
      z0 : Index;
      z1 : Index;
      z2 : Index;
      x : Integer;
      y : Integer;
      hc1 : Index;
      hc2 : Index;
      low1 := (others => 0);
      high1 := (others => 0);
      low2 := (others => 0);
      high2 := (others => 0);  
      if Factor_1'Length = 1 or Factor_2'Length = 1 then
         Standard(Factor_1, Factor_2,Product);
      end if;
      -- calculates the size of the numbers
      m := Integer'Max(Factor_1'Length, Factor_2'Length);
      m2 := m / 2;
      -- split the digit sequences about the middle
      for Factor_1_Index in Factor_1'Range loop
         x := x + 1;
         if x <= m2 then
            low1(Factor_1_Index) := Factor_1(Factor_1_Index);
            high1(hc1) := Factor_1(Factor_1_Index);
            hc1 := hc1 + 1;
         end if;
      end loop;
      for Factor_2_Index in Factor_2'Range loop
         y := y + 1;
         if y <= m2 then
            low2(Factor_2_Index) := Factor_2(Factor_2_Index);
            high2(hc2) := Factor_2(Factor_2_Index);
            hc2 := hc2 + 1;
         end if;
      end loop;
      -- 3 calls made to numbers approximately half the size
      z0 := Karatsuba(low1, low2, Product);
      z1 := Karatsuba((low1 + high1), (low2 + high2), Product);
      z2 := Karatsuba(high1, high2, Product);
      Product := (z2*10**(2*m2))+((z1-z2-z0)*10**(m2))+(z0);
   end Karatsuba;

在 "end Karatsuba" 行之前的最后 4 行,我收到错误 "expected type 'Index' defined at ..."。我收到的错误分别是

expected type "Index" defined at ....
found package or procedure name
there is no applicable operator "+" for type "Number" defined at ......

这是我分配了一些变量的另一个 class:

package ITI8590.Natural_Number_Multiplication is

   type Digit  is range 0 .. 1;
   type Index  is new Positive;
   type Number is array (Index range <>) of Digit;

   for Digit'Size use 1;

   procedure Standard(Factor_1, Factor_2 : in Number; Product : out Number);
   procedure Karatsuba(Factor_1, Factor_2 : in Number; Product : out Number);

end ITI8590.Natural_Number_Multiplication;




  z0 := Karatsuba(low1, low2, Product);
  z1 := Karatsuba((low1 + high1), (low2 + high2), Product);
  z2 := Karatsuba(high1, high2, Product);


  Karatsuba(low1, low2, z0);
  Karatsuba((low1 + high1), (low2 + high2), z1);
  Karatsuba(high1, high2, z2);

这要求您将 z0z1z2 声明为 Number 而不是 Index。请注意,Product 是该过程的一个 out 参数,因此您实现的所有代码都是用中间结果覆盖它两次(3 次,计算上面对 Standard 的调用)。


yusuf.ada:25:12: unconstrained subtype not allowed (need initialization)
yusuf.ada:25:12: provide initial value or explicit array bounds

它正在调用与您声明的方式相关的东西 low1 等等:

  low1 : Number := (0,1);
  high1 : Number := (0,1);
  low2 : Number := (0,1);
  high2 : Number := (0,1);

这种方法的问题在于您现在已经限制了变量的范围:low1 固定为具有 2 个元素(设置为您随后覆盖的值),并且无法扩展.我不知道该算法应该如何工作,但这似乎不太正确;首先,如果输入超过 2 位数会怎样?


Max_Digits : constant Positive := Factor_1’Length + Factor_2’length;
pragma Assert (Product’Length >= Max_Digits, “possible overflow”);
low1 : Number (1 .. Max_Digits) := (others => 0);


而且,正如 ajb 评论的那样,您需要在 Number+-*** 之间定义运算符Integers 根据需要,特别是在过程最后一行的表达式 (z2*10**(2*m2))+((z1-z2-z0)*10**(m2))+(z0) 中。