Postgres:如何从范围外的时间戳中找到最近的 tsrange?

Postgres: How to find nearest tsrange from timestamp outside of ranges?

我正在为供应商提供的本地服务建模(在 Postgres 9.6.1 / postGIS 2.3.1 中):

create table supplier (
    id                serial primary key,
    name              text not null check (char_length(title) < 280),
    type              service_type,
    duration          interval,
    geo_position      geography(POINT,4326)

当 he/she 可供预订时,每个供应商都会保留一个包含时间段的日历:

create table timeslot (
    id                 serial primary key,
    supplier_id        integer not null references supplier(id),
    slot               tstzrange not null,

    constraint supplier_overlapping_timeslot_not_allowed
    exclude using gist (supplier_id with =, slot with &&)


create view supplier_slots as
    select, supplier.type, supplier.geo_position, supplier.duration, ...
        supplier, timeslot
    where = timeslot.supplier_id;

create function find_suppliers(wantedType service_type, near_latitude text, near_longitude text, at_time timestamptz)
returns setof supplier_slots as $$
    nearpoint geography;
    nearpoint := ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(' || near_latitude || ' ' || near_longitude || ')');
    return query
        select * from supplier_slots
        where type = wantedType
            and tstzrange(at_time, at_time + duration) <@ slot
        order by ST_Distance( nearpoint, geo_position )
        limit 100;
$$ language plpgsql;



这让我有点头晕,我找不到任何合适的运算符来给我最近的 tsrange。




我建议这些稍微修改过的 table 定义可以使任务更简单、加强完整性并提高性能:

CREATE TABLE supplier (
   supplier_id  serial PRIMARY KEY,
   supplier     text NOT NULL CHECK (length(title) < 280),
   type         service_type,
   duration     interval,
   geo_position geography(POINT,4326)

CREATE TABLE timeslot (
   timeslot_id  serial PRIMARY KEY,
   supplier_id  integer NOT NULL -- references supplier(id),
   slot_a       timestamptz NOT NULL,
   slot_z       timestamptz NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT   timeslot_range_valid CHECK (slot_a < slot_z)
   CONSTRAINT   timeslot_no_overlapping
     EXCLUDE USING gist (supplier_id WITH =, tstzrange(slot_a, slot_z) WITH &&)

CREATE INDEX timeslot_slot_z ON timeslot (supplier_id, slot_z);
CREATE INDEX supplier_geo_position_gist ON supplier USING gist (geo_position);
  • 保存两个 timestamptzslot_aslot_z 而不是 tstzrangeslot - 并相应地调整约束。这现在将所有范围自动视为默认 inclusive 下限和 exclusive 上限 - 这避免了角落案例错误/头痛。

    附带好处:2 timestamptz 只有 16 个字节,而不是 tstzrange.

  • 的 25 个字节(32 个带填充)
  • 您可能在 slot 上遇到的所有问题都将继续使用 tstzrange(slot_a, slot_z) 作为替代品。

  • (supplier_id, slot_z) 上为手头的查询添加索引。
    还有 supplier.geo_position 上的空间索引(您可能已经有了)。

    根据 type 中的数据分布,查询中常见类型的几个部分索引可能有助于提高性能:

    CREATE INDEX supplier_geo_type_foo_gist ON supplier USING gist (geo_position)
    WHERE supplier = 'foo'::service_type;


此查询找到 X 个最接近的提供正确 service_type 的供应商(示例中为 100 个),每个供应商都有 一个 最接近的匹配时隙(由到时隙开始的时间距离定义)。我将其与实际匹配的插槽相结合,这可能是也可能不是您需要的。

CREATE FUNCTION f_suppliers_nearby(_type service_type, _lat text, _lon text, at_time timestamptz)
  RETURNS TABLE (supplier_id  int
               , name         text
               , duration     interval
               , geo_position geography(POINT,4326)
               , distance     float 
               , timeslot_id  int
               , slot_a       timestamptz
               , slot_z       timestamptz
               , time_dist    interval
   ) AS
   WITH sup_nearby AS (  -- find matching or later slot
      SELECT,, s.duration, s.geo_position
           , ST_Distance(ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(' || _lat || ' ' || _lon || ')')
                          , geo_position) AS distance
           , t.timeslot_id, t.slot_a, t.slot_z
           , CASE WHEN t.slot_a IS NOT NULL
                  THEN GREATEST(t.slot_a - at_time, interval '0') END AS time_dist
      FROM   supplier s
         SELECT *
         FROM   timeslot
         WHERE  supplier_id = supplier_id
         AND    slot_z > at_time + s.duration  -- excl. upper bound
         ORDER  BY slot_z
         LIMIT  1
         ) t ON true
      WHERE  s.type = _type
      ORDER  BY s.distance
      LIMIT  100
   FROM  (
      SELECT DISTINCT ON (supplier_id) *  -- 1 slot per supplier
      FROM  (
         TABLE sup_nearby  -- matching or later slot

         UNION ALL         -- earlier slot
         SELECT,, s.duration, s.geo_position
              , s.distance
              , t.timeslot_id, t.slot_a, t.slot_z
              , GREATEST(at_time - t.slot_a, interval '0') AS time_dist
         FROM   sup_nearby s
         CROSS  JOIN LATERAL (  -- this time CROSS JOIN!
            SELECT *
            FROM   timeslot
            WHERE  supplier_id = s.supplier_id
            AND    slot_z <= at_time  -- excl. upper bound
            ORDER  BY slot_z DESC
            LIMIT  1
            ) t
         WHERE  s.time_dist IS DISTINCT FROM interval '0'  -- exact matches are done
         ) sub
      ORDER  BY supplier_id, time_dist  -- pick temporally closest slot per supplier
   ) sub
   ORDER  BY time_dist, distance;  -- matches first, ordered by distance; then misses, ordered by time distance

$func$  LANGUAGE sql;

我没有使用您的视图 supplier_slots 而是针对性能进行了优化。视图可能仍然很方便。您可以包括 tstzrange(slot_a, slot_z) AS slot 以实现向后兼容性。

查找最接近的 100 个供应商的基本查询是教科书 "K Nearest Neighbour" 问题。 GiST 索引对此很有效。相关:

附加任务(找到时间上最近的槽)可以分为两个任务:找到下一个更高的行和下一个下一个更低的行。该解决方案的核心特征是有两个子查询ORDER BY slot_z LIMIT 1ORDER BY slot_z DESC LIMIT 1,这导致两个非常快索引扫描。
