Swagger Local Editor 更改服务 host/port

Swagger Local Editor change Service host/port

我想使用 Swagger 编辑器来测试我使用 Grizzly 部署的 REST 服务。 我的服务位于与 Swagger 编辑器 (8080) 不同的端口 (8081) 上。 我如何告诉编辑器(本地或在线)使用另一个端口?




The host (name or ip) serving the API. This MUST be the host only and does not include the scheme nor sub-paths. It MAY include a port. If the host is not included, the host serving the documentation is to be used (including the port). The host does not support path templating.

摘自: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md