逻辑错误 - 给出的答案不正确

Logic error - incorrect answer given


我正在编写一个程序来模拟 python 3.


现在,我正在努力添加两个量子位的功能,我终于达到了可以实际 运行 的程度(然后我很快就遇到了一个错误)。现在,我已经解决了很多问题,但程序没有为其中一个量子位给出正确答案。



运行 MWE,输出应该是

your result is [ 0.70710678+0.j -0.70710678+0.j] qubit # 1
probability of |0> state is 0.5
probability of |1> state is 0.5

your result is [0 1] qubit # 2
probability of |0> state is 0
probability of |1> state is 1
=> None

输出应具有与第一个状态相同的第二个量子位的结果和概率。另请注意,对于两个量子位,它们的原始状态是 [0 1] - 换句话说,第二个量子位的状态根本没有改变。


import numpy as np
import cmath

qubits = 2
done = "n"
qstats = {key:np.array([0,1]) for key in range(1,qubits+1)}

def hadop(qstat):
    matrix = (1/cmath.sqrt(2))*np.array([[1,1],[1,-1]])
    return np.dot(matrix, qstat)

def probability(qstat, n):
    if n == 0:
        return np.abs((qstat[0]))**2
    elif n == 1:
        return np.abs((qstat[1]))**2

singates = {"Hadamard":hadop}

commands = {1:["Hadamard"],2:["Hadamard"]}
while qubitnum <= qubits:
    for index,gate in enumerate(commands[qubitnum]):
        qstat = qstats[index+1]
        qstat = singates[gate](qstat)
        qstats[index+1] = qstat
        if index+1 == len(commands[qubitnum]):
            print(" ")
            print("your result is", qstats[qubitnum], "qubit #", qubitnum)
            print("probability of |0> state is", probability(qstats[qubitnum],0))
            print("probability of |1> state is", probability(qstats[qubitnum],1))



import numpy as np
from random import randint
import cmath
import math
from function import *

qubits = int(input("How many qubits would you like to use? (Currently, only supports 1): "))
done = "n"
qstatask = input("Would you like your initial qubits to be in the |0> state or |1> state? 0 or 1: ")
if qstatask == "0":
    qstats = {key:np.array([0,1]) for key in range(1,qubits+1)}
elif qstatask == "1":
    qstats = {key:np.array([1,0]) for key in range(1,qubits+1)}
    print("I'm sorry, that is not a valid input. State set to zero.")
    qstats = {key:np.array([0,1]) for key in range(1,qubits+1)}

singates = {"Hadamard":hadop, "X":xop, "Z":zop, "Y":yop, "sqrtX":sqrtxop,"phase shift":phaseshiftop,"measurement":measurement,"custom":customop, "control":control, "target":target}
twgates = ["cNOT", "swap"]
thrgates = ["Toffoli"]


while done == "n":
    if qubits == 1:
        fstgat = input("what gate would you like to use? use the list of single gates at the top: ")
        if fstgat in singates:
            qstat = qstats[1]
            qstat = singates[fstgat](qstat)
            qstats[1] = qstat
            done = input("Done with your circuit? y or n: ")
            print("sorry, that gate is not yet implemented. maybe try custom gate.")
            done = "y"
    elif qubits >= 2:
        commands = {}
        for i in range(1,qubits+1):
            commands[i] = []
        while qubitnum <= qubits:
            while done == "n":
                fstgat = input("what gate would you like to use for " + str(qubitnum) + " qubit? Use the list of single qubits at the top, plus control or target: ")
                done = input("Done with your " + str(qubitnum) + " qubit? y or n: ")
            done = "n"
        while qubitnum <= qubits:
            for index,gate in enumerate(commands[qubitnum]):
                if gate in singates:
                    if gate != "target" or (gate == "target" and mem1 in globals()):
                        qstat = qstats[index+1]
                        qstat = singates[gate](qstat)
                        qstats[index+1] = qstat
                        print("done with a calculation")
                        if index+1 == len(commands[qubitnum]):
                            print(" ")
                            print("your result is", qstats[qubitnum], "qubit #", qubitnum)
                            print("probability of |0> state is", probability(qstats[qubitnum],0))
                            print("probability of |1> state is", probability(qstats[qubitnum],1))
                        print("checking for information")
                    print(gate, " has not yet been implemented. Maybe try the custom gate?")
        print("Program complete.")
        done = "y"
        print("sorry, that functionality is not yet implemented")
        done = "y"


import cmath
import numpy as np
import math
from random import randint

def hadop(qstat):
    matrix = (1/cmath.sqrt(2))*np.array([[1,1],[1,-1]])
    return np.dot(matrix, qstat)

def xop(qstat):
    matrix = np.array([[0,1],[1,0]])
    return np.dot(matrix,qstat)

def zop(qstat):
    matrix = np.array([[1,0],[0,-1]])
    return np.dot(matrix,qstat)

def yop(qstat):
    matrix = np.array([[0, cmath.sqrt(-1)],[-1*cmath.sqrt(-1),0]])
    return np.dot(matrix,qstat)

def sqrtxop(qstat):
    const1 = 1+cmath.sqrt(1)
    const2 = 1-cmath.sqrt(1)
    matrix = np.array([[const1/2,const2/2],[const2/2,const1/2]])
    return np.dot(matrix,qstat)

def phaseshiftop(qstat):
    phasepos = [math.pi/4, math.pi/2]
    x = input("Please pick one of the two phase shifts, 0 for the first, 1 for the second: ")
    if x == "0":
        y = phasepos[0]
    elif x == "1":
        y = phasepos[1]
    const1 = cmath.sqrt(-1)*y
    matrix = np.array([[1,0],[0,math.e**const1]])
    return np.dot(matrix,qstat)

def customop(qstat):
    num1 = float(input("Please input a number (no pi, e, etc) for the first number in your matrix (row 1 column 1): "))
    num2 = float(input("Number for matrix - row 1 column 2: "))
    num3 = float(input("Number for matrix - row 2 column 1: "))
    num4 = float(input("Number for matrix - row 2 column 2: "))
    matrix = np.array([[num1,num3],[num2,num4]])
    matrix2 = matrix.conj().T
    result = np.dot(matrix, matrix2)
    identity = np.identity(2)
    if np.array_equal(result, identity) == True:
        return np.dot(matrix, qstat)
        print("matrix not unitary, pretending no gate was applied")
        return qstat

def probability(qstat, n):
    if n == 0:
        return np.abs((qstat[0]))**2
    elif n == 1:
        return np.abs((qstat[1]))**2

def measurement(qstat):
    prob1 = probability(qstat,0)
    prob2 = probability(qstat,1)
    random = randint(0,1)
    if random <= prob1:
        qstat = np.array([0,1])
        return qstat
    elif prob1 < random:
        qstat = np.array([1,0])
        return qstat

def control(qstat):
    typegat = input("Which gate is this the control qubit for? See list of two qubit gates at the top.")
    if typegat == "cNOT":
        global mem1
        mem1 = qstat
    elif typegat == "swap":
        mem1 = qstat
        print("other gates not yet implemented")
    return qstat

def target(qstat):
    typegat2 = input("Which gate is this target qubit for? See list of two qubit gates at the top.")
    if typegat2 == "cNOT":
        if np.array_equal(mem1, [0,1]) == True:
            return qstat
        elif np.array_equal(mem1, [1,0]) == True:
            return np.dot(qstat,mem1)
            print("superposition...not implemented")
            return qstat
    elif typegat2 == "swap":
        return mem1
        print("other gates not yet implemented")
        return qstat

如果您决定 运行 此处给出的完整代码,以重现问题,请输入 2(回答多少个量子位的问题)、0 或 1(请注意,这会将量子位设置为分别为 [0,1] 和 [1,0];在这里回答都可以)然后是 Hadamard、X,或者你有什么,然后是 y,然后是 Hadamard、X 或其他什么,然后是 y。那时它应该输出结果。我建议在两者上都使用 Hadamard 门来查看问题。这仅适用于 运行 完整程序;否则你不需要输入任何东西。


我不完全确定你要用 index 做什么。但是,它看起来像你的台词

qstat = qstats[index+1]


qstat = qstats[qubitnum]