
sum counts across multiple days and group by hour

我正在尝试使用 Knex 跨多天按小时对记录进行分组。因此,例如,上午 9 点将是:

  hour: 9AM, // for days 12/11, 12/12, 12/13
  count: 10 // 10 Ids total over those days for hour 9AM

鉴于此快照中的记录,我如何将它们聚合到多天的 hour 个存储桶中?

如果我输出查询结果,您可以看到 12/1212/1319:00 两个单独的结果。这两天的计数需要合计为一个 hour 19:00 组:

ROWS [ anonymous {
    session_ids: [ 3200 ],
    hour: 2016-12-12T14:00:00.000Z,
    count: '1' },
  anonymous {
    session_ids: [ 3201 ],
    hour: 2016-12-12T15:00:00.000Z,
    count: '1' },
  anonymous {
    session_ids: [ 3203, 3202 ],
    hour: 2016-12-12T19:00:00.000Z,
    count: '2' },
  anonymous {
    session_ids: [ 3204, 3205 ],
    hour: 2016-12-13T19:00:00.000Z, // This count should be aggregated into the `19:00` grouping above
    count: '2' } ]


var qry = db.knex
  .select(db.knex.raw("array_agg(t2.id) as session_ids, date_trunc('hour', t2.start_timestamp) as hour"))
  .from('sessions as t2')
  .groupByRaw("date_trunc('hour', t2.start_timestamp)")
  .orderBy(db.knex.raw("date_trunc('hour', t2.start_timestamp)"));


var qry = db.knex
  .select(db.knex.raw("array_agg(t2.id) as session_ids, extract('hour' from t2.start_timestamp) as hour"))
  .from('sessions as t2')
  .groupByRaw("extract('hour' from t2.start_timestamp)")
  .orderBy(db.knex.raw("extract('hour' from t2.start_timestamp)"));

date_trunc 将时间戳截断到指定的精度(这意味着 GROUP BY 将不起作用,因为具有相同 'hour' 字段的两个时间戳的天数可能仍然不同) :

SELECT date_trunc('hour', NOW());
│       date_trunc       │
│ 2016-12-18 19:00:00+01 │
(1 row)

EXTRACT 获取您要求的特定字段:

SELECT extract('hour' from NOW());
│ date_part │
│        19 │
(1 row)