在 QML 中使用 Text.implicitWidth 时的性能损失

Performance Penalty when using Text.implicitWidth in QML

Item 的文档中,您可以找到:

Note: Using implicitWidth of Text or TextEdit and setting the width explicitly incurs a performance penalty as the text must be laid out twice.


Text {
    width: implicitWidth
    text: 'my text defines the width'

这意味着,如果我不通过其他方式设置宽度,我将无法锚定到 Text


Item {
    id: myAnchorableTextBoundingBox
    width: myText.implicitWidth
    height: myText.implicitHeight
    Text {
        id: myText
        text: 'my text defines the width'



Rectangle {
    color: 'transparent'
    border.color: 'red'
    width: myText.width + 2
    height: myText.height + 2

Rectangle {
    id: myAnchorableTextBoundingBox
    y: 1
    x: 1
    border.color: 'black'
    width: myText.truncated ? myText.width : myText.implicitWidth
    height: myText.implicitHeight
    Text {
        id: myText
        text: 'my text defines the width until it elides, then the width is used as limit'
        elide: Text.ElideRight
        width: 200

我会立即从中构建一个 Component,如果我可以确定,不会有(太大的)惩罚。


Using implicitWidth [...] and setting the width explicitly incurs a performance penalty

在这种情况下,您只是读取 implicitWidth 属性,而不是设置 Text 元素的 width,因此警告不适用.