默认情况下,Jetty 访问日志中的延迟是否以毫秒为单位?

Is the latency in Jetty Access Logs measured in milliseconds by default?

我是 Jetty 的新手,需要维护一个新的 Web 服务。访问日志似乎使用默认配置,并且具有如下所示的行。

0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [19/Dec/2016:21:35:20 +0000] "GET /v1/customers/cust@omer.com/status HTTP/1.1" 200 65 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36" 3

我找到了一个 nice little article on the Jetty request log (i.e. access log) format. Unfortunately, the article doesn't state whether or not latency (the number at the end of the line - in this case 3) is measured in milliseconds by default. I found a blog article which states that latency is measured in ms by default,但我想我会 post 这个问题来验证这个事实。

那么,Jetty 访问日志的默认配置是否以毫秒为单位测量延迟?


是的,日志延迟是在 milliseconds 中测量的。

我会看看我能做些什么来更新 doco。 编辑:我已提交 PR 以更改它。