
How to get the minimum size of a treeview control that avoids scroll bars?


为此,我需要一些方法来找到树视图的 "desired" 大小,即足以避免显示滚动条的最小尺寸。


编辑:所以,我已经完成了一半。我可以通过计算可见项的数量并乘以 TreeView_GetItemHeight 来确定高度。我仍然不知道如何找到宽度,但是...

它不是很完美(似乎不可能 TreeView_GetItemRect 水平地包含整行直到文本末尾),但以下内容非常适合我禁用水平滚动的用例。

void Dialog::getDimensionTreeView(unsigned int id,
                                  unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height) {
    HWND item = GetDlgItem((HWND)_hwnd, id);
    if(!item) {
        width = 0;
        height = 0;

    RECT area = { };
    HTREEITEM node = TreeView_GetRoot(item);
    do {
        RECT rc;
        LPRECT prc = &rc;
        // Ideally this would use `fItemRect`=FALSE, but that seems
        // to just return the current width of the treeview control.
        TreeView_GetItemRect(item, node, prc, TRUE);
        if(rc.left < area.left) area.left = rc.left;
        if(rc.right > area.right) area.right = rc.right;
        if(rc.top < area.top) area.top = rc.top;
        if(rc.bottom > area.bottom) area.bottom = rc.bottom;
    } while((node = TreeView_GetNextVisible(item, node)));
    width = area.right - area.left;
    height = area.bottom - area.top;

感谢 Hans Passant 让我走上正轨。