
Bit-rate calculation in Jpeg2000 image compression

我正在处理预处理图像压缩会话。我正在研究图像压缩方法并阅读了很多关于 jpeg2000 图像压缩的文章。但是我找不到关于在 jpeg2000 中为彩色图像的不同层选择比特率和比特率计算方法的明确资源。 请给我一些官方参考的线索。




看看this gist。它显示了 Kakadu 的 kdu_compress 实用程序的输入参数。对于 -rate 标志,它指出:

When two rates are specified, the number of layers must be 2 or more and intervening layers will be assigned roughly logarithmically spaced bit-rates. When only one rate is specified, an internal heuristic determines a lower bound and logarithmically spaces the layer rates over the range.

Kakadu 在工业中被大量使用,他们的 J2K 压缩软件非常值得信赖。因此,如果他们的软件对其质量层使用对数间距,那么这可能是一个合理的起点。

在 JPEG 2000 的 BIIF 配置文件中选择一个配置文件

另一方面,您可以查看 BIIF Profile for JPEG 2000,它为不同情况提供了多种压缩配置文件。配置文件提供了给出层数和比特率的示例。也就是说,所有配置文件中都有一条通用消息,例如:

BIIF 的 D.4.7(NPJE 配置文件):

Some systems may change the exact bitrates and number of layers to meet application requirements or quality requirements.

BIIF 的 F.7(TPJE 配置文件):

Note that the actual target bit rates and numbers of Quality Layers used for a specific sensor would need to be optimized to accommodate any unique properties of that particular imagery collection system.

BIIF 的 G.2.1.2(LPJE 配置文件):

Applications need a sufficient number of codestream layers for optimal bandwidth and memory management across such a wide range of resolutions. Layers provide an elegant means to control visual quality and manage channel capacity for streaming compressed imagery over low bandwidth links... LPJE does not require a specific layer structure since the goal of this preferred encoding is to accommodate hardware and software implementations.