通过具有 SVG 的 jsPDF 将 HTML Div 转换为 PDF

Convert HTML Div to PDF via jsPDF that has SVG

我正在尝试使用 jsPDF 将 html div 转换为 pdf。在我的 div 中,我有一个带有背景图像的 svg 文件,用户可以在其中绘制矩形、线条、文本等。我​​正在使用 d3.js 进行绘图。现在我想将我的 div 和所有绘图保存为 pdf,但它只会将我的文本转换为 pdf。我的js代码是

   function htmlToPdf() {
  console.log("--------------- with in demoFromHTML");
  var pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'letter');
  // source can be HTML-formatted string, or a reference
  // to an actual DOM element from which the text will be scraped.
  source = $('svg.plancontainer')[0];

  // we support special element handlers. Register them with jQuery-style
  // ID selector for either ID or node name. ("#iAmID", "div", "span" etc.)
  // There is no support for any other type of selectors
  // (class, of compound) at this time.
  specialElementHandlers = {
    // element with id of "bypass" - jQuery style selector
    '#bypassme': function (element, renderer) {
      // true = "handled elsewhere, bypass text extraction"
      return true
  margins = {
    top: 80,
    bottom: 60,
    left: 40,
    width: 522
  // all coords and widths are in jsPDF instance's declared units
  // 'inches' in this case
    source, // HTML string or DOM elem ref.
    margins.left, // x coord
    margins.top, { // y coord
      'width': margins.width, // max width of content on PDF
      'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers

    function (dispose) {
      // dispose: object with X, Y of the last line add to the PDF
      //          this allow the insertion of new lines after html
      // pdf.autoPrint();
    }, margins

cdn 是 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jspdf/1.3.2/jspdf.debug.js"></script>

它打印 PRINT AREA 而不是我的 image 和没有 svg 绘图的文本。

这是我的示例 div 的预览,我想将其转换为 pdf 我没有得到任何具体的信息来指定在哪里可以使用 jsPDF 或不使用。



我正在分享我的解决方案,可能会对某人有所帮助。我无法直接使用 jspdf 管理打印 svg,而是首先使用 https://github.com/exupero/saveSvgAsPngsvg 转换为图像,然后使用该图像创建 pdf。下面是我的代码

使用 saveSvgAsPngsvgAsPngUri 方法获取 base64 image uri 并通过回调函数

svgAsPngUri(#svgObj, options, function (uri, options) {
        pdf(uri, options.pdf)

我得到 image uri 作为 uri。在我的 pdf 函数中,我正在使用这个 uri 制作 pdf

function pdf(b64Image, options) {
    console.log("--------------- passing options is ", JSON.stringify(options, null, 4));
    var image = new Image();
    image.src = b64Image;
    console.log('--------- pdf options' + JSON.stringify(options, null, 4));
    var pdf = new jsPDF(options.orientation, null, options.format);

    margins = {
        top: 20,
        bottom: 20,
        left: 20,
        right: 20

    var pdfWidth = pdf.internal.pageSize.width;
    var pdfHeight = pdf.internal.pageSize.height;
    var footer_height = options.f_height || 30;
    var htmlPageRightOffset = 0;

    var outerRacBorder = 2;
    var imageDrawableHeight = pdfHeight - margins.top - margins.bottom - footer_height - outerRacBorder;
    var imageDrawableWidth = pdfWidth - margins.left - margins.right - outerRacBorder;

    footer = {
        top: margins.top + imageDrawableHeight + outerRacBorder + 10,
        bottom: 20,
        left: margins.left,
        right: 20,
        width: 100,
        height: 25,

    company_text_position = {
        x: footer.left+2,
        y: footer.top + 6
    site_text_position = {
        x: company_text_position.x,
        y: company_text_position.y + 6
    floor_plan_text_position = {
        x: site_text_position.x,
        y: site_text_position.y + 6
    logo_text_position = {
        x: pdfWidth - margins.left - 55,
        y: pdfHeight - margins.bottom - 4
    logo_image_position = {
        x: logo_text_position.x +35,
        y: logo_text_position.y - 4
     Image drawing on pdf
    imageSize = calculateAspectRatioFit(image.width, image.height, imageDrawableWidth, imageDrawableHeight);
    pdf.addImage(image, 'JPEG', margins.left + 2, margins.top + 2, imageSize.width, imageSize.height);

     Outer rectangle
    pdf.rect(margins.left, margins.top, imageDrawableWidth + outerRacBorder, imageDrawableHeight + outerRacBorder);

    // pdf.rect(margins.left, imageSize.height + 10, drawableWidth, (drawableWidth - imageSize.height));

    pdf.rect(footer.left, footer.top, footer.width, footer.height);

    var footer_data = getFooterInfo();
    pdf.text("Company: " + footer_data.client, company_text_position.x, company_text_position.y);
    pdf.text("Site: " + footer_data.site, site_text_position.x, site_text_position.y);
    pdf.text("Floor Plan: " + footer_data.floor_plan, floor_plan_text_position.x, floor_plan_text_position.y);

    pdf.text("Powered by: ", logo_text_position.x, logo_text_position.y);

    var logo = new Image();
    logo.src = $('#logo_image').val();
    logoSize = calculateAspectRatioFit(logo.width, logo.height, 20, 10);
    pdf.addImage(logo, 'JPEG', logo_image_position.x, logo_image_position.y, logoSize.width, logoSize.height);

    pdf.save(options.name + '.pdf');

 * Conserve aspect ratio of the orignal region. Useful when shrinking/enlarging
 * images to fit into a certain area.
 * @param {Number} srcWidth Source area width
 * @param {Number} srcHeight Source area height
 * @param {Number} maxWidth Fittable area maximum available width
 * @param {Number} maxHeight Fittable area maximum available height
 * @return {Object} { width, heigth }
function calculateAspectRatioFit(srcWidth, srcHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight) {
    if(srcHeight == 0 || srcWidth == 0){
      return {width: maxWidth, height: maxHeight};

    var ratio = [maxWidth / srcWidth, maxHeight / srcHeight];
    ratio = Math.min(ratio[0], ratio[1]);

    return {width: srcWidth * ratio, height: srcHeight * ratio};

function getFooterInfo() {
    var elem = $('.entityselbin .h4');
    var info = {};
    info.client = elem[0].innerHTML;
    info.site = elem[1].innerHTML;
    info.floor_plan = elem[2].innerHTML;
    return info;



这适用于大多数 svg 内容。



$.getScript("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/0.4.1/html2canvas.js"), $.getScript("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jspdf/1.0.272/jspdf.debug.js"), $.getScript("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/canvg/1.5/canvg.min.js")

function createPDF() {

    var svg = '';
// Provide the SVG parent div id

    if (document.getElementById("ChartId") != null) {
        svg = document.getElementById("ChartId").innerHTML;

    if (svg)
        svg = svg.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, '').trim();

    var pdfData = $('#htmlContainer');//main html div

    html2canvas(pdfData, {
        onrendered: function(canvas) {

            var contentWidth = canvas.width;
            var contentHeight = canvas.height;

            //The height of the canvas which one pdf page can show;
            var pageHeight = contentWidth / 592.28 * 841.89;
            //the height of canvas that haven't render to pdf
            var leftHeight = contentHeight;
            //addImage y-axial offset
            var position = 0;
            //a4 format [595.28,841.89]       
            var imgWidth = 595.28;
            var imgHeight = 592.28 / contentWidth * contentHeight;

            var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

            canvg(canvas, svg, {
                offsetX: 10,
                offsetY: 660,
                ignoreMouse: true,
                ignoreAnimation: true,
                ignoreClear: true,
                ignoreDimensions: true

            var pageData = new Image();
            pageData = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0);

            var pdf = new jsPDF('l', 'pt', 'a4', true);

            if (leftHeight < pageHeight) {
                pdf.addImage(pageData, 'JPEG', 100, 20, imgWidth, imgHeight);

            } else {
                console.log('page 2');
                while (leftHeight > 0) {
                    pdf.addImage(pageData, 'JPEG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight)
                    leftHeight -= pageHeight;
                    position -= 841.89;
                    //avoid blank page
                    if (leftHeight > 0) {
