Google 驱动实时 API 获取自定义协作对象的 ID
Google drive realtime API getting ID of custom collaborative object
如何获取自定义对象的 ID?每当我创建协作地图或字符串(等)时,它们都有一个 ID 属性.
检查static getID
if it can help you. It will return the id of the given custom object. For more information, check this overview of custom and this Custom collaborative objects。
如何获取自定义对象的 ID?每当我创建协作地图或字符串(等)时,它们都有一个 ID 属性.
谢谢, 瑞安.
检查static getID
if it can help you. It will return the id of the given custom object. For more information, check this overview of custom and this Custom collaborative objects。