Android 中的错误代码 -112 是什么意思

What does error code -112 mean in Android

我在安装 android 应用程序时遇到以下错误: InstallAppProgress: Installation error code: -112

上面我看到 PackageManager 的错误,这将是问题所在,但我想知道 -112 代表什么?


Installation failed return code: this is passed to the IPackageInstallObserver if the system failed to install the package because it is attempting to define a permission that is already defined by some existing package. The package name of the app which has already defined the permission is passed to a PackageInstallObserver, if any, as the EXTRA_FAILURE_EXISTING_PACKAGE string extra; and the name of the permission being redefined is passed in the EXTRA_FAILURE_EXISTING_PERMISSION string extra.