Angular:使用 MockBackend 测试 HTTP,真的需要 async() 吗?

Angular: Testing HTTP with MockBackend, is async() really required?

我正在使用 MockBackend 来测试依赖于 @angular/http 的代码。
thoughtram: Testing Services with Http in Angular

describe('getVideos()', () => {

  it('should return an Observable<Array<Video>>',
      async(inject([VideoService, MockBackend], (videoService, mockBackend) => {

      videoService.getVideos().subscribe((videos) => {
        expect(videos[0].name).toEqual('Video 0');
        expect(videos[1].name).toEqual('Video 1');
        expect(videos[2].name).toEqual('Video 2');
        expect(videos[3].name).toEqual('Video 3');

        expect("THIS TEST IS FALSE POSITIVE").toEqual(false); 

      const mockResponse = {
        data: [
          { id: 0, name: 'Video 0' },
          { id: 1, name: 'Video 1' },
          { id: 2, name: 'Video 2' },
          { id: 3, name: 'Video 3' }

      mockBackend.connections.subscribe((connection) => {
        connection.mockRespond(new Response(new ResponseOptions({
          body: JSON.stringify(mockResponse)

不过,我试过了,我很确定 MockBackend 完全同步执行:

describe('getVideos()', () => {

  it('should return an Observable<Array<Video>>',
    inject([VideoService, MockBackend], (videoService, mockBackend) => {

      const mockResponse = {
        data: [
          { id: 0, name: 'Video 0' },
          { id: 1, name: 'Video 1' },
          { id: 2, name: 'Video 2' },
          { id: 3, name: 'Video 3' },

      mockBackend.connections.subscribe((connection) => {
        connection.mockRespond(new Response(new ResponseOptions({
          body: JSON.stringify(mockResponse)

      let videos;
      videoService.getVideos().subscribe(v => videos = v);

      // synchronous code!?
      expect(videos[0].name).toEqual('Video 0');
      expect(videos[1].name).toEqual('Video 1');
      expect(videos[2].name).toEqual('Video 2');
      expect(videos[3].name).toEqual('Video 3');

我在这里创建了一个关于 plunker 的完整示例:

自从撰写这些文章后,一定有一些更改。 有人可以指出那个重大变化吗?还是我错过了一个重要的事实?

您的假设完全正确,MockConnection.mockRespond() 发出同步信号。 async() 在此特定测试中不需要。

