GiMP(方案)脚本错误 "illegal function"

GiMP (Scheme) Script-fu error "illegal function"

我正忙着做一个 Script-fu 并不断得到 "Error ( : 1) illegal function"。我不是 Scheme/Lisp 专家,只是想自动执行一些摄影任务。文档很少——要么 GiMP 只写了他们自己的内部操作,但没有写 Script-fu 中 Scheme 的语法,要么我发现 "tips" for GiMP v1.0(即过时了,它们没用)。

我查看了 GiMP 提供的一堆脚本,试图了解更多信息并解决这个问题,但无济于事。我在这里寻求帮助以消除错误,not 缩进布局或 Python-fu 存在的事实等


;; license, author, blah blah
;; GiMP 2.8 LinuxMint 18.1
;; does the work, but then blows up saying "Error ( : 1) illegal function"

(define (script-fu-ScriptFails InImage InLayer pickd mrge)
  (let* (
      (CopyLayer (car (gimp-layer-copy InLayer TRUE)) )
    (gimp-image-undo-group-start InImage)
    (gimp-image-add-layer InImage CopyLayer -1)
    (gimp-drawable-set-visible CopyLayer TRUE)
    ;; Perform CHOSEN action on CopyLayer
    (if (equal? pickd 0) (   ;; keep just the RED
      (plug-in-colors-channel-mixer TRUE InImage CopyLayer FALSE  1.0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0)
      (gimp-drawable-set-name CopyLayer "RED")
    (if (equal? pickd 1) (   ;; keep just the GREEN
      (plug-in-colors-channel-mixer TRUE InImage CopyLayer FALSE  0 0 0  0 1.0 0  0 0 0)
      (gimp-drawable-set-name CopyLayer "GRN")
    (if (equal? pickd 2) (   ;; keep just the BLUE
      (plug-in-colors-channel-mixer TRUE InImage CopyLayer FALSE  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 1.0)
      (gimp-drawable-set-name CopyLayer "BLU")
    (if (equal? mrge #t) (   ;; to merge or not to merge
      (gimp-layers-flatten InImage)
    (gimp-image-undo-group-end InImage)

(script-fu-register "script-fu-ScriptFails"
  "Runs but fails at the end. Why? Please help!"
  SF-IMAGE       "The Image"    0
  SF-DRAWABLE    "The Layer"    0
  ;; other variables:
  SF-OPTION      "Effect"  '("R_ed" "G_rn" "B_lu")
  SF-TOGGLE      "Merge Layers" FALSE


(if (equal? pickd 2) (   ;; keep just the BLUE
      (plug-in-colors-channel-mixer TRUE InImage CopyLayer FALSE  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 1.0)
      (gimp-drawable-set-name CopyLayer "BLU")


((plu-in....) (gimp-drawable...))

第一个当然需要 return 一个函数才能成为有效的 Scheme,而第二个的 return 将作为提供的参数。如果你想做两个表达式因为它们的副作用那么你应该使用一个块。就像 C 方言块中的卷曲是 Scheme 中以 begin 开头的形式:



另外,对于只有结果且没有其他选择的 if,使用 when 会给你一个开始:

(when (equal? pickd 2) ;; keep just the BLUE (and no extra parens)
  (plug-in-colors-channel-mixer TRUE InImage CopyLayer FALSE  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 1.0)
  (gimp-drawable-set-name CopyLayer "BLU"))